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Ritual Circumcisions Botched, 30 Men Die



by Jon David Kahn  15 Jul 2013 



JOHANNESBURG (AFP) - Health Department officials in South Africa said that 30 young men recently died and 300 were hospitalized as a result of botched circumcisions. The circumcisions were part of traditional initiation rites in a South African province whereby young males undergo passage into manhood.



Sizwe Kupelo, a spokesman from the provincial health department, said that 10 other young men were hospitalized after being rescued from the forest.



"The ten initiates' private parts are rotten. They are badly damaged. Their condition is scary," he said.



A further 293 young men were undergoing hospital treatment for dehydration, gangrene and septic wounds, Kupelo added. Some had lost their genitals.



As part of their initiation into manhood, young men from ethnic Xhosa, Sotho and Ndebele groups generally spend about a month in secluded bush or mountain areas and circumcisions are performed by traditional surgeons using instruments that have not always been sterilized, and with techniques that have not been mastered.



Botched circumcisions leading to penis amputations and deaths are an annual tragedy.


In other news, I just fainted.

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Posted (edited)

I love those "Get Your Circumcision" ads by private medical clinics in the Philippines. If you can't afford it, there are those huge campaigns in the provinces where they do ten boys at the same time. I hope those blades and wooden tables are sanitized. A rite of passage in rural areas is for a young boy to walk around in a duck squat position pulling the front of his shorts to minimize the discomfort.  


What's equally fascinating is the circumcision is done by a student nurse as part of her training, while the boy's younger sister watches with bulging eyes. It's early recruitment for her to consider a career in nursing. The boy's younger brother is never invited to watch because he will go into hiding when it's his turn.

Edited by JJReyes
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Hey JJ... I am not a sports guy. But, if you google a college aged Tebow, and look for the 1st articles about him DOING CIRCUMCISIONS on 11 yr old boys... well it is a very telling article of a college aged Sandusky... Oh! Sorry did not mean to say Sandusky, I meant to say Tebow :tiphat: I think :mocking: .


Well anyway, as you might wonder what the hell a college quarterback was doing circumcisions and you would not be alone! Enough 'normal' people asked that same question and then the Sandusk.... sorry... the Tebow public relations machine realized the 'mistake' and then started the back pedaling in high gear to try and repair the damage and changed the article later publishing as to his WATCHING instead of 'doing'. Which is just as bad..... If the article you find says anything about him 'watching' it is not the 1st article with quoted him telling how easy it was for him once he was taught how to do the circumcisions! And for you western world readers who are not familiar with Philippine culture... circs are done on 11 yr old boys... not 2 -7 day old babies like in the US.


Yes folks, this college quarterback was actually handling 11 yr old boys penises and then cutting on them.....with no medical training.  And he did not go to jail! Perhaps for him... the Philippines REALLY is more fun! :cheersty:


I am a medical professional. I can easily manipulate the situation to put myself in a position to do circumcisions in the Philippines. But for one little road block... I am not SANDUSKY! :hystery: You will Never catch me around a locker shower room with boys in it and certainly not snapping a wet towel at them whilst playfully laughing! :thumbsup: Doing circumcisions is certainly out of the question.... Not even if the boy buys me a drink first! :dance:  

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Medic Mike

Ritual Circumcisions Botched, 30 Men Die



by Jon David Kahn  15 Jul 2013 



JOHANNESBURG (AFP) - Health Department officials in South Africa said that 30 young men recently died and 300 were hospitalized as a result of botched circumcisions. The circumcisions were part of traditional initiation rites in a South African province whereby young males undergo passage into manhood.



Sizwe Kupelo, a spokesman from the provincial health department, said that 10 other young men were hospitalized after being rescued from the forest.



"The ten initiates' private parts are rotten. They are badly damaged. Their condition is scary," he said.



A further 293 young men were undergoing hospital treatment for dehydration, gangrene and septic wounds, Kupelo added. Some had lost their genitals.



As part of their initiation into manhood, young men from ethnic Xhosa, Sotho and Ndebele groups generally spend about a month in secluded bush or mountain areas and circumcisions are performed by traditional surgeons using instruments that have not always been sterilized, and with techniques that have not been mastered.



Botched circumcisions leading to penis amputations and deaths are an annual tragedy.


In other news, I just fainted.

i just fainted as well! :unsure:

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Posted (edited)

From what I have read and heard circumcision has little benefit and there can be complications. There are many nerve endings in the skin removed and that does change the sexual experience for men. I consider it to be an unnecessary surgical procedure.

Edited by earthdome
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From what I have read and heard circumcision has little benefit and there can be complications. There are many nerve endings in the skin removed and that does change the sexual experience for men. I consider it to be an unnecessary surgical procedure.


Nope, that is just anti circ propaganda. There are many benefits. Not the least of which is a  m e a s u r e a b l e  DEcrease in catching sexually transmitted diseases not the least of which is our old friend HIV (medically it is referred to as High Five ... HI (roman numeral) V for patient privacy reasons.


Head cheese... You did not think it came from goat's milk did you? Whilst most men, circumcised or not, we assume are 'clean' there are a few (OK a LOT) of men with poor hygiene who have issues with things growing under their foreskin.  Really. I am an RN and I have heard rumors about such things from other nurses who work outside of OB/GYN where I have buried my head my whole nursing career.


************************ Obligatory Jake joke warning*************** The large 'bulge one might see under Jake's foreskin is not an infection or anything dirt related. It is simply where Jake chooses to carry his hide-a-key for both the house and car. You know Jake... always prepared! It also helps keep his wallet dry when showering in an unfamiliar area.... never know who you can trust, so Jake keeps his wallet with him at all times. *******************   


As for your mention of nerves cut and a possible decrease in sexual pleasure for men.... Well well well... who is the selfish one in the room? :hystery: you you you and YOUR sexual needs! Well what about the woman? A properly done circ may allow the man to 'last longer' which is not a bad thing unless you are very over weight and she starts having breathing issues of course.


I had a circ and I highly recommend it! :thumbsup: But I was not 11 yrs old and Tebow certainly was NOT there! :tiphat:


:hystery:  :hystery:  :hystery:  :attention:

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robert k

I am uncirced and I have been told by women that it was better.

In my army days I told people it was an advantage because if you ran out of condoms you could just use a twist tie off of a bread wrapper to tie the end of the foreskin shut.

I had one minor infection 40 years ago and soap and water took care of that. If you have to have it cut off to become a man I will be the eternal boy.

I guess the smilies aren't working because I didn't quote someone?

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Posted (edited)
Tebow certainly was NOT there!


From what I read at the time in a Denver Broncos online blog, Tebow was a "puller" and not a "cutter". The commentary speculated that Tebow used forceps because he was afraid the cutter might nip his fingers. Since his father was running a religious mission in the Philippines, he would shout a prayer each time. It was, "Oh my God!" 


Scared the hell out of the other kids waiting in line. 

Edited by JJReyes
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Tebow certainly was NOT there!


From what I read at the time in a Denver Broncos online blog, Tebow was a "puller" and not a "cutter". The commentary speculated that Tebow used forceps because he was afraid the cutter might nip his fingers. Since his father was running a religious mission in the Philippines, he would shout a prayer each time. It was, "Oh my God!"


Scared the hell out of the other kids waiting in line. 



Puller? Cutter? That was great... :hystery:  :hystery:  :hystery:  :hystery:

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From what I have read and heard circumcision has little benefit and there can be complications. There are many nerve endings in the skin removed and that does change the sexual experience for men. I consider it to be an unnecessary surgical procedure.


Head cheese... You did not think it came from goat's milk did you? Whilst most men, circumcised or not, we assume are 'clean' there are a few (OK a LOT) of men with poor hygiene who have issues with things growing under their foreskin.  Really. I am an RN and I have heard rumors about such things from other nurses who work outside of OB/GYN where I have buried my head my whole nursing career.


:hystery:  :hystery:  :hystery:  :attention:


Slick, very slick with your wording: bury your head in a job related task -- I like that!  By the way, head cheese provides

extra flavoring and texture.  So next time you order some palutan (finger food) at the local beer house, no need to add

salt to it.  It's pretty salty enough.....just chase it down with San Magoo....he, he.



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