Women, Girls In Naga Offer Sex To Seamen?

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CEBU, Philippines – Women and even young girls allegedly offer sexual services to personnel of marine vessels that enter and remain for a while in Naga City's municipal waters.View the full article

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CEBU, Philippines – Women and even young girls allegedly offer sexual services to personnel of marine vessels that enter and remain for a while in Naga City's municipal waters.View the full article
As to minors, the police can't track them because the girls work at night.
:thumbs-up-smile: What a lot of shit,the story,the reporting and,ahh forget it. :th_Good-Luck:
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When the ship comes better lock up your daughters..

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is there really any port in the world without prostitution? What kind of a crap story they post...as for the young girls, what is new in SE Asia, it's everywhere. Perhaps the journalist was paid from someone to post this crap for whatever reasons...The girls cannot be caught because they use aliases and because they work at night !!! WOW!!!! But on the same time they go to police to complain that they did not get paid for their services....They go to the ship with a pump boat (since they cannot access in the port) and they leave early morning so they cannot be seen....then rename them to "special female forces" (i try to be polite) and give them a medal for their stealth abilities...Now i know which newspaper not to read...philstar!!!!!

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Yeah, that's old news, because it happens at every port around the world! Years ago, I watched on TV a documentary movie in the Philippines with just that as their main theme! But of course they filmed mostly Filipinos! Cheap to film here I guess! SugarwareZ-004.gif :th_thholysheep: :signnvm::th_fluch:

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is there really any port in the world without prostitution? What kind of a crap story they post...as for the young girls, what is new in SE Asia, it's everywhere. Perhaps the journalist was paid from someone to post this crap for whatever reasons...The girls cannot be caught because they use aliases and because they work at night !!! WOW!!!! But on the same time they go to police to complain that they did not get paid for their services....They go to the ship with a pump boat (since they cannot access in the port) and they leave early morning so they cannot be seen....then rename them to "special female forces" (i try to be polite) and give them a medal for their stealth abilities...Now i know which newspaper not to read...philstar!!!!!
Hello Joe,Yep, I totally agree -- prostitution in any port is ancient news. Ever since we have overcome our fearsof what's beyond the horizon, exotic pleasures awaits us there. From the Suzie Wong Enterprise inHong Kong, to the WestPac widows in San Diego, to the stealthy ladies of the night in pump boats, the sailors who are not allowed to leave their ship will somehow get "serviced".Whenever we could get together for a pitcher of MoJo, along with another sea traveler Oldutot, theremust be a million sea stories we could exchange among us. I'm sure Inspector has a few stories totell......Offering my semen -- Jake
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& seamen offer semen to all the women they can in every port they can :th_thholysheep: dont mind me I am walking in my :signnvm: :mocking:

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is there really any port in the world without prostitution? What kind of a crap story they post...as for the young girls, what is new in SE Asia, it's everywhere. Perhaps the journalist was paid from someone to post this crap for whatever reasons...The girls cannot be caught because they use aliases and because they work at night !!! WOW!!!! But on the same time they go to police to complain that they did not get paid for their services....They go to the ship with a pump boat (since they cannot access in the port) and they leave early morning so they cannot be seen....then rename them to "special female forces" (i try to be polite) and give them a medal for their stealth abilities...Now i know which newspaper not to read...philstar!!!!!
Hello Joe,Yep, I totally agree -- prostitution in any port is ancient news. Ever since we have overcome our fearsof what's beyond the horizon, exotic pleasures awaits us there. From the Suzie Wong Enterprise inHong Kong, to the WestPac widows in San Diego, to the stealthy ladies of the night in pump boats, the sailors who are not allowed to leave their ship will somehow get "serviced".Whenever we could get together for a pitcher of MoJo, along with another sea traveler Oldutot, theremust be a million sea stories we could exchange among us. I'm sure Inspector has a few stories totell......Offering my semen -- Jake
Or the guy in my squadron at Cubi Point who got around being restricted to the base by renting a sailboat from special services sailing out to Subic City and getting girls to swim out to him. He only got caught because he pulled an overnighter.
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Hello Tom_shor,Sounds like you were part of the brown shoe Navy. That's all right, I forgive you for being anairdale, especially when your squadron mate had the balls to sail all the way to Subic City toget some. That's called ingenuity in my book, even though he was busted for an overnighter.Respectfully -- Jake

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Hello Tom_shor,Sounds like you were part of the brown shoe Navy. That's all right, I forgive you for being anairdale, especially when your squadron mate had the balls to sail all the way to Subic City toget some. That's called ingenuity in my book, even though he was busted for an overnighter.Respectfully -- Jake
Yes after that restricted people couldn't rent boats. Don't know if he was the first to do that but I guess he was the first to get caught. My real disappointment in this article is they listed no contact info at all. SugarwareZ-007.gif
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