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North Korean artillery hits South Korean island‎South Korea says it has returned fire after North Korea fired around 200 artillery shells at one of its border islands, reportedly killing one marine.The South's military was placed on its highest non-wartime alert after the shells landed on Yeonpyeong island.North Korea has not yet commented on the incident, in which three marines and two civilians were also injured. Correspondents say this is one of the most serious since the Korean War ended without a peace treaty in 1953.full story herehttp://www.bbc.co.uk...acific-11818005

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North Korean artillery hits South Korean island‎South Korea says it has returned fire after North Korea fired around 200 artillery shells at one of its border islands, reportedly killing one marine.The South's military was placed on its highest non-wartime alert after the shells landed on Yeonpyeong island.North Korea has not yet commented on the incident, in which three marines and two civilians were also injured. Correspondents say this is one of the most serious since the Korean War ended without a peace treaty in 1953.full story herehttp://www.bbc.co.uk...acific-11818005
just what the world needs right now th_thholysheep.gif
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"Dear Leader" is having power struggle issues with the NKA. He wants his son to take over but few people outside know whats up in the Herit Kindom. Often there will be some over the top action by NK for reasons only they know. What they did was kinda crazy thats for sure. We are still at war with NK.

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and it could get worseIndia deploys 36,000 extra troops along its border with China.

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23_11_59[1].gifWhoopee, We have front row seats to WW3.   Edited by Mr. Lee
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MacArthur wanted to fix this problem a few year back.

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MacArthur wanted to fix this problem a few year back.
Hey Bundok,We're happy to see you're posting again. Yeah, General MacArthur was a brilliant commander who landed the NATO troops at Inchon, Korea which effectively cut off the supply line of the NK army. However, he did not heed the warnings that the Chinese would come in to assist. And therefore we got slaughter during those brutal winter months and got pushed back to the 38th parallel. It would be interesting to read from other members what would be your strategy in holding the DMZ as long as possible (without using nukes).Respectfully -- Jake
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Tom in Texas
... he did not heed the warnings that the Chinese would come in to assist. And therefore we got slaughter during those brutal winter months and got pushed back to the 38th parallel. It would be interesting to read from other members what would be your strategy in holding the DMZ as long as possible (without using nukes).Respectfully -- Jake
WHAT - hold the DMZ .... "without using nukes"?????? --- after spending all that money to build all those nifty thermo-nuclear toys... and now we can't use them. How the heck are we supposed to counteract global warming without inducing nuclear winter? Anyway.............. My strategy at the DMZ would be to:1) have the U.S. troops march backwards across the DMZ so N. Korea would think we were retreating until we were amongst their troops, 2) then rip off our uniforms to reveal N.Korean uniforms underneath, 3) begin indiscriminate firing within their ranks, causing mass confusion among the N. Korean troops who will believe their fellow soldiers are shooting at them,4) resulting in returned fire against anyone with a N. Korean uniform... until all of their troops have shot each other, except for the last one standing,5) then S. Korean troops cross the DMZ and shoot the last standing N. Korean soldier and declare victory. GO USA... GO USA... GO USA... AddEmoticons04230.gif
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... he did not heed the warnings that the Chinese would come in to assist. And therefore we got slaughter during those brutal winter months and got pushed back to the 38th parallel. It would be interesting to read from other members what would be your strategy in holding the DMZ as long as possible (without using nukes).Respectfully -- Jake
WHAT - hold the DMZ .... "without using nukes"?????? --- after spending all that money to build all those nifty thermo-nuclear toys... and now we can't use them. How the heck are we supposed to counteract global warming without inducing nuclear winter? Anyway.............. My strategy at the DMZ would be to:1) have the U.S. troops march backwards across the DMZ so N. Korea would think we were retreating until we were amongst their troops, 2) then rip off our uniforms to reveal N.Korean uniforms underneath, 3) begin indiscriminate firing within their ranks, causing mass confusion among the N. Korean troops who will believe their fellow soldiers are shooting at them,4) resulting in returned fire against anyone with a N. Korean uniform... until all of their troops have shot each other, except for the last one standing,5) then S. Korean troops cross the DMZ and shoot the last standing N. Korean soldier and declare victory. GO USA... GO USA... GO USA... AddEmoticons04230.gif
Hey Counsel,I thought coming from you, that you might litigate them to death, counter sue them for a million won (about 7K bucks) and then torture them with Wayne Newton love songs.I think if the bubble goes up or about to go up, we should play the bad guys instead, conduct all kinds of deceptions and do preemptive strike well north of DMZ. Throw out our rules of engagement and shoot first. I believe the first 48 hours is crucial. I have my doubts if the NK army could sustain any sort of battle beyond that time. They will be starving to death, dropping their weapons and falling in line at the nearest McDonalds. Respectfully -- Jake
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This IS JUST GREAT !!! IM supposed to fly korean air this march too !! i havent booked my ticket just yet but i was going to pay this weekend ! i always fly korean coz i love the service they provide and the price is right , and i have 41 000 air miles with them i dont want to change airlines but i think i better pay more attention to the news and maybe give them a call to find out what they will do if the airline cant fly into korea and im booked and paid for with them ,will they re route me on another airline ???? or am i UP *@!& creek without a paddle ??? OldUgly&Cranky

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