Is Fibbing Ok In Filipino Culture?

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IMO fibbing as I understand it are little white lies that on most occasion has little or no affect depending weather or not it esculates into something more serious where it hurts a friend or a loved one! Most people do fib and it's not just the Filipino culture, kids and adults do it! But out and out lying to hurt or to deceive is something else all together and that's where serious problems begin! It all boils down to one's up bringing by their parents and how they themselves were brought up in their generation! So, each to their own! But no matter to one's upbringing, it just takes a little common sense, sensitivity and awareness what little white lies or out and out lying can do with one's relationship with family, friends and or coworkers!

Edited by Fil/AmArt
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Dave Hounddriver

Fibbing is what you tell your kids to do when a stranger asks them "Where do you live" and other such personal questions. Its good to learn that fibbing simply means not telling the whole truth when it is in your best interests to be cautious or polite.Lying is being deceitful with intent to betray another person.Bullshi++ing is being untruthful with an attempt at humor, or entertainment, or boastfulness. It is not usually intended to harm and when it does it often crosses the line to outright lying.That's my 2 cents. Now try to teach that to someone whose first language is not English and see if they spot the difference.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not ok but normal innate behaviour for them. I did start a topic a while ago ..Natural Born Liars...really annoyed with my wife's familys persistent lieing

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