Maids / Home Helps

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What's having a maid / home help all about here?If single and suffering ill health I can understand it but if with a partner, both physically capable, why would you need one? Too lazy to cook a bit of food, to do a bit of housework or is it a status symbol thing?

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What's having a maid / home help all about here?If single and suffering ill health I can understand it but if with a partner, both physically capable, why would you need one? Too lazy to cook a bit of food, to do a bit of housework or is it a status symbol thing?
Well, I'm single, not in particularly poor health, but I hate housecleaning and doing laundry with a passion. I have a part-time maid comes twice a week to wash and clean (not cook). Takes care of the stuff I never seem to be able to motivate myself to do, and simultaneously, helps a local family. I have heard several times from a mutual friend just how much that part time job means to her family.Seems like a win-win situation to me.
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Ok, so you passionately hate those tasks, personally they don't bother me. Motivation isn't a problem as I'm motivated by self respect for my surroundings.I can appreciate the helper being happy for the contribution to her family and see in your case it is a win win situation

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I think it depends on your income level, some have help because they are too busy working, or disabled. or have a big family to care for. some will go out of there way to get a maid because they feel more prominent than their neighbor. Some are used to doing all the housework all their lives and need a long deserved break. I remember growing up in our fortress home in olongapo, with 2 maids, 1 driver/bodyguard, and2 roving private security guards. that was just for a family of 5. one maid tended only to my parents, and the other to me and my two sisters. A little excessive i would say, but if you got the money they always have the time. :cheersty: TANKS EJ.

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Mr Lee
What's having a maid / home help all about here?If single and suffering ill health I can understand it but if with a partner, both physically capable, why would you need one? Too lazy to cook a bit of food, to do a bit of housework or is it a status symbol thing?
After a person has been with a good woman for a while, and she rarely asks for anything, and has saved them much money over their time together, as my wife has saved me, then getting someone to come in and do some of the hard floor scrubbing and furniture moving, is just something nice you can do for them. Some men take their ladies out for dinner or buy them gifts, well an occasional housekeeper here, where it is sooo inexpensive, is just such a gift. We have had someone come in a few times and do the cleaning and hand clothes washing, yet my wife prefers to do most of that by herself, and it is me who does not like seeing her working so hard, and besides that, it gives someone who needs the money a chance to make a few pesos that they might not have been able to make if we did not hire her occasionally. Win, win to us. I wonder how many of you would like to have a weekly or biweekly maid come in and do a heavy duty cleaning, windows, floors etc, that is if you could find a good and reliable person to do it?
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Good housekeepers are hard to come by! So, if anyone of you out there finds a gem of a housekeeper, you better treat her well! In our case, we're real picky and ended up firing most of our house keepers we find! We have another housekeeper for now, so we'll see how she turns out! More and more housekeepers are getting too picky who their employers are and if they don't like the jobs they are given or the way they are treated by their new employer, they don't last for long, they either quit or get fired just after a few days of working! We can't do without a good housekeeper anymore! Hey! We're retired and enjoy of leisure and we can afford a housekeeper! The only problem is, retaining a good housekeeper for the long haul! And we pay fair wages for part time help, only 3 1/2 days per week each month at P3,000 per month. Our problem, are the "Picky housekeepers" with so many excuses!

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Good housekeepers are hard to come by! So, if anyone of you out there finds a gem of a housekeeper, you better treat her well! In our case, we're real picky and ended up firing most of our house keepers we find! We have another housekeeper for now, so we'll see how she turns out! More and more housekeepers are getting too picky who their employers are and if they don't like the jobs they are given or the way they are treated by their new employer, they don't last for long, they either quit or get fired just after a few days of working! We can't do without a good housekeeper anymore! Hey! We're retired and enjoy of leisure and we can afford a housekeeper! The only problem is, retaining a good housekeeper for the long haul! And we pay fair wages for part time help, only 3 1/2 days per week each month at P3,000 per month. Our problem, are the "Picky housekeepers" with so many excuses!
A lot of people seem to have trouble with housekeepers. Not sure why. When I first hired mine, I had a Filipina friend, wife of an expat, walk her through the house and explain what I wanted done. She has always over delivered. I'm also not all that picky. The place looks a lot better than when I was trying to do it myself, and I have clothes in my dresser rather than the dirty clothes hamper or (when I was in the US, still in the dryer). Mine comes twice a week, and I just gave her a raise to 300p/day.Maybe I just got lucky.
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Mr Lee
Good housekeepers are hard to come by! So, if anyone of you out there finds a gem of a housekeeper, you better treat her well! In our case, we're real picky and ended up firing most of our house keepers we find! We have another housekeeper for now, so we'll see how she turns out! More and more housekeepers are getting too picky who their employers are and if they don't like the jobs they are given or the way they are treated by their new employer, they don't last for long, they either quit or get fired just after a few days of working! We can't do without a good housekeeper anymore! Hey! We're retired and enjoy of leisure and we can afford a housekeeper! The only problem is, retaining a good housekeeper for the long haul! And we pay fair wages for part time help, only 3 1/2 days per week each month at P3,000 per month. Our problem, are the "Picky housekeepers" with so many excuses!
A lot of people seem to have trouble with housekeepers. Not sure why. When I first hired mine, I had a Filipina friend, wife of an expat, walk her through the house and explain what I wanted done. She has always over delivered. I'm also not all that picky. The place looks a lot better than when I was trying to do it myself, and I have clothes in my dresser rather than the dirty clothes hamper or (when I was in the US, still in the dryer). Mine comes twice a week, and I just gave her a raise to 300p/day.Maybe I just got lucky.
It is good to read about maid costs. I believe in Cebu the going rate would be p250 to maybe a high of p350 a day, and that might depend on how far she might have to travel to get to your home or apartment, and it seems it might be much higher in the Luzon area. Anyone else care to share what they pay for part time maids?
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We haid a maid for a while when i was there and it started out good she didnt really have to do much work , just make sure the kids got up for school and cook them breakfast maybe sweep the floor and do laundry , she actually spent half the day watching tv coz there really wasnt allot we were asking her to do , we were paying her 2500 p a month and that was live in as well !! as you know were in rizal so not that far from manila maybe 1 hour by FX , but after 2 weeks she said " i cant do this its too hard" LOL and she wanted to go so we paid her for 2 weeks and she left the next week my g/f went to church and seen her and she had a brand new hair style and no money left and was sitting at home doing nothing , GO FIGURE HEY !!!!O-U-C

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Mine liked porn :cheersty:

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