Fixers/corrupt Officals

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Just a suggestion for the forum guru' about a specific forum for all the members to list/relate experiences of corruption such as fixers or other "officials" soliciting bribes? I am thinking that if a list was compiled with as many specifics as possible, names, date, times..specifics...that this could be then forwarded to someone, somewhere and maybe by the sheer weight and steady occurance and specific information included, that SOMETHING just might get done about it. No axe grinding, just the facts. In our own way then, would we not being doing our civic duty to help clean up the country? Like I said...just a thought.

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Mr Lee
Just a suggestion for the forum guru' about a specific forum for all the members to list/relate experiences of corruption such as fixers or other "officials" soliciting bribes? I am thinking that if a list was compiled with as many specifics as possible, names, date, times..specifics...that this could be then forwarded to someone, somewhere and maybe by the sheer weight and steady occurance and specific information included, that SOMETHING just might get done about it. No axe grinding, just the facts. In our own way then, would we not being doing our civic duty to help clean up the country? Like I said...just a thought.
While I think this is a great idea, a foreigner can be put in jail or deported, just for maligning a Filipino, so I would say that it might be a bad idea for this forum to do, or any forum to do where the members are not totally anonymous, since some of us live in the Philippines or visit often. This might be a great idea for another completely new forum, but would there be enough activity and corruption to report, to make one active. :th_thbestpost: Anyway that is just my personal opinion.
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Hmmmm,,my thoughts were that I wondered if there would be enough broadband available to store all the input, not if there would be enough activity. I am also confused as to has a statement of fact can be considered "maligning"? To paraphrase a famous quote: all that needs to be done for bad people to succeed is for good people to do nothing..... So, taking a bit of a harder stance on this, and yes i live here full time by the way, if "you" (generic) aren't willing to do something about the are, in my estimation, giving up your right to bitch about it......And to throw one more paraphrased quote into the mix (ergo, giving more fodder for response)...if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything......

Just a suggestion for the forum guru' about a specific forum for all the members to list/relate experiences of corruption such as fixers or other "officials" soliciting bribes? I am thinking that if a list was compiled with as many specifics as possible, names, date, times..specifics...that this could be then forwarded to someone, somewhere and maybe by the sheer weight and steady occurance and specific information included, that SOMETHING just might get done about it. No axe grinding, just the facts. In our own way then, would we not being doing our civic duty to help clean up the country? Like I said...just a thought.
While I think this is a great idea, a foreigner can be put in jail or deported, just for maligning a Filipino, so I would say that it might be a bad idea for this forum to do, or any forum to do where the members are not totally anonymous, since some of us live in the Philippines or visit often. This might be a great idea for another completely new forum, but would there be enough activity and corruption to report, to make one active. :th_thholysheep: Anyway that is just my personal opinion.
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It is one of the wierd things about Philipino law, that you can go to jail for saying something bad about a Philipino, EVEN IF IT WAS THE TRUTH. The more specific detail, the more trouble you can get into. Until laws like that are changed, I doubt anything can be done about the corruption here.

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Mr Lee
Hmmmm,,my thoughts were that I wondered if there would be enough broadband available to store all the input, not if there would be enough activity. I am also confused as to has a statement of fact can be considered "maligning"? To paraphrase a famous quote: all that needs to be done for bad people to succeed is for good people to do nothing..... So, taking a bit of a harder stance on this, and yes i live here full time by the way, if "you" (generic) aren't willing to do something about the are, in my estimation, giving up your right to bitch about it......And to throw one more paraphrased quote into the mix (ergo, giving more fodder for response)...if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything......
Sir I have to agree with you, we should all do our part and report corruption in every way we can, it is just that doing it on an open forum might cause the forum owner and the known members a problem. I do not try to hide behind names other than my own and I often say where I live and who my wife is, etc, etc, so I am pretty easy to find, as are many of our other members. So while I am not insulting you or anyone else who uses a forum name other than their actual name, those of you who do, would be a lot harder to find than those of us who use our own names and who often tell facts about ourselves in posts, so it is MY opinion that the forum would not be the place to do what you suggest, yet I have personally reported corruption to people I know who might be in the right place for such info to go. I would love this country to be less corrupt, heck I would love the US to become less corrupt, but often one goes to report corruption to an official above the one we are complaining about, only for us to find out that the lower person was actually sharing his bounty with the boss, so the boss was in on it, so the complaint not only did no good, it actually got the person reporting it in trouble, so from then on in he was given a hard time whenever he tried to do things and ended up leaving where he was because of his life then becoming miserable.All that is just my opinion and not the opinion of the forum. I am sure the owner has also read your post and it is up to him if he would wish to go along with your suggestion. Now to the fact that it would fill a whole forum, you would be totally correct IMHO, that is if people would open up and post about it, but my guess is that there are way too many people who would rather live in peace and quiet, than rock the boat and possibly end up sinking with it. I know I have often tried to do right in my life, only to end up finding out that the corruption ran right up to the top, so for there to be corruption, there has to be top officials that allow it to happen. I hope the current administration will root out a lot of what goes on, and if they would have an anonymous phone number to report corruption, such as crime stoppers in the US, then I would believe they actually wish to do something about it. Right now it is the norm here, and I honestly believe they all wish it to stay that way.
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Posted (edited)

Hasn't anyone watch the reality show "Bitag"? It's a crime fighting show "out to get the bad guys" by four influential brothers who are famous TV personalities in their own right as "crime fighters" of the Philippines! Check it out here: all law enforcers were as diligent as "Bitag", crime in the Philippines would surely be reduced dramatically, because the four brother crime fighting team can't do it all themselves!

Edited by Art2ro
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Dave Hounddriver
. . . . and yes i live here full time by the way . . .
As someone who lives here full time, you likely already know the pitfalls in making accusations as you suggest. As someone who lives here full time, you likely have the same experiences with corruption as the rest of us.And yet, I don't see you posting your experiences, not do I recommend posting details like that. My point is to question your motives for asking others to do it. Is it your assumption that members of this forum are foolish enough to jump off a cliff just because another member asked them to do it and gave a bunch of 'famous quotes' to suggest it was a justifiable request?1%20(172).gif
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Mr Lee
Hmmmm,,my thoughts were that I wondered if there would be enough broadband available to store all the input, not if there would be enough activity. I am also confused as to has a statement of fact can be considered "maligning"? To paraphrase a famous quote: all that needs to be done for bad people to succeed is for good people to do nothing..... So, taking a bit of a harder stance on this, and yes i live here full time by the way, if "you" (generic) aren't willing to do something about the are, in my estimation, giving up your right to bitch about it......And to throw one more paraphrased quote into the mix (ergo, giving more fodder for response)...if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything......
4thDan you may get your wish, I have suggested this for another forum that Tom (Boss Man) had helped put online for another forum owner and it is in the process of some type of change right now. I do not personally know the owner of that forum, but it was The person who was the owner of that forum Peabody wanted an anything goes type of forum, and I do not know if he still owns it or not, but I have now suggested that it also be a anonymous member forum, so you might get your wish, but if you or others decide to join there and run with info about the going on here with some officials, I would only suggest that those people never list any personal items about themselves, which would include their real names, but that would be totally up to the member to decide on their own if they wish to do.
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Call me bubba

A question or suggestion depending on how one reads this....... Could some person open a NEW forum/website . w/the server outside the RP to list the problems of corruption that exists.I am not the smartest computer user. but if said site was in the RP ,yes it could cause problems but if site was located outside the RP. would that be less of an "ISSUE"? just curious. I have watched BITAG , althou i dont understand Tagalog. i do appreciate what these men do.maybe 1 could at least write the producers of "BITAG" with the issue/problems they have. who knows that could help. does any one remember the show 60MINUTES. they did have some stories that really changed peoples lives,\ a old joke 1 once heard, was if the 60 Minutes news crew showed up on your premises, YOU was IN DEEP :lol:

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A question or suggestion depending on how one reads this....... Could some person open a NEW forum/website . w/the server outside the RP to list the problems of corruption that exists.I am not the smartest computer user. but if said site was in the RP ,yes it could cause problems but if site was located outside the RP. would that be less of an "ISSUE"? just curious.
Of course like this site is hosted in the US but the thing is I have to walk through immigration each time I arrive in the Philippines so I dont want to find I'm blacklisted when I get there.
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