Osama Bin Laden Killed By U.s. Strike

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Dave Hounddriver

Osama bin Laden Killed by U.S. Strike By DEAN SCHABNERMay 1, 2011Osama bin Laden, hunted as the mastermind behind the worst-ever terrorist attack on U.S. soil, has been killed, sources told ABC News.His death brings to an end a tumultuous life that saw bin Laden go from being the carefree son of a Saudi billionaire, to terrorist leader and the most wanted man in the world.

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Mr Lee
Osama bin Laden Killed by U.S. Strike By DEAN SCHABNERMay 1, 2011Osama bin Laden, hunted as the mastermind behind the worst-ever terrorist attack on U.S. soil, has been killed, sources told ABC News.His death brings to an end a tumultuous life that saw bin Laden go from being the carefree son of a Saudi billionaire, to terrorist leader and the most wanted man in the world.
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23_11_59[1].gif:lol: :AddEmoticons04230: :540:
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United Army
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Call me bubba

perhaps this is a great start. 1 down many others to go. 1%20%2872%29.gif:lol: GREAT JOB NAVY SEALS:AddEmoticons04230:

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Posted (edited)

Just because Osama Bin Laden is now dead, there's still thousands of his followers who can still unleash worst attacks in the near future for revenge due to Bin Laden's demise! I'd be afraid, really afraid! That's Obama's reason for saying, "the United States of American has to be more diligent than ever in the near future"! http://michellemalkin.com/2011/05/01/reports-bin-laden-killed-a-week-ago-by-us-missile-confirmed-tonight/

Edited by Art2ro
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And to think we all assumed he was in a high-tech cave in the border region, and here he was, in a million dollar, high-walled, double-gated, house a hundred km from Islamabad, and down the street from an army base.

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Papa Carl

Disposing of his body at sea? Certainly a good idea to prevent a sight of pilgrimage etc by fanatics, however it will only make the crazies even crazier! In the words of Winston Churchill "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.". Indeed maybe an even more accurate quote would be "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."One can only hope that sooner rather than later, there will be an end to such hatred, and celebration of death by any means. It is true that any man (or woman) who should be so willing to call for the death of any people, should not be fortunate enough to have life themselves, and in the end he got what was coming to him.Something that I have always lived by, A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.(also a quote from "The Bulldog")Well done to the unnamed American soldiers who performed what they needed to do, and did it well!

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Call me bubba
And to think we all assumed he was in a high-tech cave in the border region, and here he was, in a million dollar, high-walled, double-gated, house a hundred km from Islamabad, and down the street from an army base.
I have been led to believe he had been working at the "QUICKEE MART" or the mini store near queens ,but a house near Islamabad? humm guess i wont win the reward now.
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United Army

Its too bad that the bullets that killed that SOB wasn't made from one of the Twin Towers....that would of been poetic justice. And it also to bad that I was not the one who pulled the trigger.....!

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