What Is Your Ideal Retirement?

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As the date for our eventual retirement approaches, my wife and I have frequent discussions on the subject of what to do. We are still exploring possible options, but my ideal is to spend more time traveling. This won't be similar to the subject of an old film, "If it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium." about a group of Americans on an eight countries, seven days whirlwind tour of Europe. Our plan is to select a city, rent a small apartment for one or two months, and either walk or use the local transportation system. The long stay will provide us an opportunity to meet local residents; seat at a cafe' for a leisurely coffee; try a few non-touristic restaurants; and shop at the open market. Breakfast will be at the apartment; lunch at a local restaurant; and dinner at home, either by cooking or take-out. Depending on available funds, we hope to do two trips a year during the off-tourist months when air travel and rental units are cheaper.

What is your ideal retirement?

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That sounds very nice but where will your base be? Philippines or Hawaii?

On a side note, I just read a book on my Kindle that you may know of, Why and How You Should Retire to The Philippines! Living the Life of a "King & Queen" in an Island Paradise

By Athena C. Granados.

It was well written and fairly informative The only "negative" impression I had was that she seems to be quoting the very high end of the market as far as cost of living. Given her background, I can understand why.

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Everything is still at the planning stage, but we are hoping to have two bases - San Diego and Manila. The reason for San Diego is to be close to our son, his wife and granddaughter. For our off-season travel, it is cheaper to get airline tickets to Europe, Canada, Central and South America from San Diego than from Hawaii. I also enjoy cross country road trips. We call it, "Rock Fever" because you can't really go for long drives in Hawaii.

Our second son is married to a Vet (DVM) who is being offered a full-time position with the US Army. They will start her as a Captain if she accepts. Interesting that in addition to providing care for dogs & cats owned by military personnel, her job would include inspecting all the meat and certify that it is fit for consumption. They have testing kits for this. I suppose sentry dogs are also included. I asked her, "What about army mules?" So the two of them might be residing outside of Hawaii or overseas. She currently has a full-time job and a part-time job at Schofield Barracks.

I am working on three Philippine related projects. If one of them prospers, we will establish a second base in Manila. From San Diego, the flights would be Hawaiian Airlines to Honolulu to Manila; Philippine Airlines from Los Angeles to Manila; and United Airlines is either through Tokyo or Guam. The Manila base allows us to travel throughout Asia.

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i am bob

Your retirement sounds great!

My ideal retirement would be to have a beautiful home with water frontage, flowering gardens and a gentle breeze blowing... A place I can sit back and relax, eat anything I want and still be skinny... Ah, dreams! Of course, when the urge hits me, to be able to travel where ever and when ever I wish... The most important part of this whole dream would be to do it with my girlfriend... Hopefully I can start in just a few months... I'm just not so sure if I can get that eating and being skinny part down...!

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Tukaram (Tim)

I have been eating what i want... and the skinny part is not working so well...

Retirement - I am looking for a nice quiet home, near the beach, and mountains. Luckily the PI's has that for me. No work, no worries, no kids. A nice girlfriend or wife (or both - it's a dream, right). A little travel but nothing major probably. Someplace to grow some chocolate mint so I can perfect my Mojito recipe. I don't think I'm asking for anything to complicated?

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I retired when I was 32, since then I have been living life the way I want, working how I want and never answer to a boss. I will still be the same when I'm 100 + which included traveling and working around the world. I don't believe in work that is something you HAVE to do each day, it should be your lifestyle, life is too short to enjoy it only for the last 10 years or maybe a bit more depending how you have battled through your work life and how good your body is after it.... But yes if you are at the stage now to only get to retire then travel and enjoying a place for a few months sounds like a good way to enjoy those years.

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I am looking forward to making many expat and local friends there. I hope to be financially set with pension, IRA's and rental property in Hawaii so I won't ever have to worry about money again. I have heard it is unrealistic to think you will be happy if you have nothing to do...but I don't know about that. I think I could get used to that... my needs are pretty simple, I will be satisfied as long as I can get my exercise and have lots of friends (a cute filipina would be nice too!)

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Mike S

Well I presently am living the retirement I like ..... .would i live differently if I had more money .... sure ... anyone would but as that is impossible I perfectly content with what I have and don't realy sit around wishing for something I know I can not have ...... only makes you discontent ...... IMHO ....... :thumbsup:

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Cool mountain breezes, beautiful place to live, loving family, stress free life, money so as i don't have to worry. Hang on, i got all that (except the money part)...

Whatever you decide JJR as the ideal retirement my only advice is to take things slow, don't sweat the small stuff. One thing I have learned here is that the harder you push to get things done, the slower and more frustrating they get. My retirement involves letting the world drift by as i watch from my hammock, occasionally nudging things one way or another ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I retired when I was 32, since then I have been living life the way I want, working how I want and never answer to a boss. I will still be the same when I'm 100 + which included traveling and working around the world. I don't believe in work that is something you HAVE to do each day, it should be your lifestyle, life is too short to enjoy it only for the last 10 years or maybe a bit more depending how you have battled through your work life and how good your body is after it.... But yes if you are at the stage now to only get to retire then travel and enjoying a place for a few months sounds like a good way to enjoy those years.

This post left me scratching my head, as the very term "retirement" means not working. I would say that you are not retired, but have a profession that allows you the flexibility to work for yourself, when and where you want, but you are not retired mi amigo.

As for the OP, my idea of a dream retirement is not that far from how I live my live now. The only things that will change will be to not have to work and to travel more than I do now. Having a base of operations somewhere in SEA where I can go walkabout whenever I choose, spending as little or as much time in a locale as I choose. Then move on to the next adventure. I am not married, no kids, no baggage other than my 2 Dachshunds, therefore needing some place for my "kids" to live. I want for little and spend even less, as I age I grow wiser in that I no longer need all the trappings of success as defined in the west. All I need is a safe, comfortable place to hang my hat, perhaps a decent gym somewhere nearby, good food and the desire to explore my surroundings. Of course female companionship is in the cards, but I doubt I will ever marry again. I find it adequate to have a wide circle of friends which I can associate with for social stimulation, although it is not a requirement. I have liquidated most of my belongings in the US and when I leave, I won't be coming back. The US government is hell bent on destroying the republic, which is something I don't want to hang around to see as the US is no longer the country where I grew up.

Over the next few decades, life as we have known it on this planet will radically change. Locating yourself in a country with a subsistence economy based on agriculture is the place to be, as far away from western influences the better. The PI fares well in this category as the economy can't get much worse than it is now, so how far can it fall when the excrement hits the fan as the western monetary system and capitalism finally sing their swan song and melt down. In the PI they are used to it, in the US it will be Cowboys and Zombies vying for food and basic survival goods.

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