Riots At Us Embassys

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With all the Muslim riots going on, has there been any problems at the manila embassy?

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Call me bubba

With all the Muslim riots going on, has there been any problems at the manila embassy?

perhaps you try to view or LOG ON the philnews or 1 of the other news sites to keep abreast/updated on the LOCAL in the philippines

SO FAR the local police have increased their normal presence(again what is normal here) .

Usually the main worry is the protesters protesting against something that the US had done

. Funny thing. a source from the embassy has said. that some of the more educated protesters will come back in a few months or a yr or 2 to get their US visa. :hystery:

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Call me bubba

here is the latest news about incidents near or at the embassy grounds.

HUNDREDS of Muslims in the Philippines protested before the US embassy on Monday, calling for a ban on an inflammatory anti-Islam film, Innocence of the Muslims, that has sparked deadly riots in other countries.

About 300 protesters waved placards saying: "Freedom of religion prevails over freedom of expression" and" "No to US double standard" during the brief rally that last just a few minutes.

Rally leader Agakhan Sharief said that the protesters wanted the US government to block the film, which was made in the United States, from the Internet.

Protest leaders also that said they would file a petition before the Philippine Supreme Court asking for local authorities to ban the movie from being posted on the Internet.

The amateurish movie, which mocks Islam and the Prophet Mohammed, has triggered protests by Muslims in at least 20 countries since excerpts were posted online. More than 50 people have been killed in related violence.

Although the Philippines is largely Christian, it has a Muslim minority based largely in the far south, some of whom have been waging a decades-long armed struggle for independence or autonomy

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i am bob

I haven't seen the video nor do I really care to myself. But I can't help wondering if sometimes we allow the rights of Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech to cover the Freedom to Insult. Hey, wait a second? Since when was the last one a guaranteed right? Simply put and keeping religion out of the equation - the makers of this video had to research the subject and, while doing this research, must have figured out that the film he was producing would be an insult of his making towards the group targeted and thus incite very strong feelings such as extreme anger and hatred - and perhaps even violence as a result. Isn't there enough problems in this world without knowingly making more? I don't normally agree with censorship as a rule but there is a time and a place for it. This in my honest opinion is one of them. Kind of like why we don't discuss Religion and Politics on this forum!

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nor cal mike

Bob, you make some good points if one assumes that the film was the cause

for the original riots and deaths which occured on 9-11. There are so many

conflicting news reports, that I'm not convinced the film, no matter how distasteful

and offensive, was the root cause for the riots and deaths. Remenber, these excerpts

were first posted some months back and the riots began on 9-11. One thing I am

sure of is Mark Twain got it right again when he said;

" If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, If you do read the newspaper you are misinformed"

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Funny thing. a source from the embassy has said. that some of the more educated protesters will come back in a few months or a yr or 2 to get their US visa.

I don't know if this is true or just a joke. A protester supposedly showed up at the US Embassy in Manila for a demonstration with a homemade placard that read, "Americans go home! And take me with you."

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Funny thing. a source from the embassy has said. that some of the more educated protesters will come back in a few months or a yr or 2 to get their US visa.

I don't know if this is true or just a joke. A protester supposedly showed up at the US Embassy in Manila for a demonstration with a homemade placard that read, "Americans go home! And take me with you."

The actual placard I seen on the front page of PDI a long time ago was: Yankees go Home,

but please take me with you!

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The US government now admits that these "riots" were calculated attacks (on 9/11) by extreme Muslim terrorists. that movie (as disgusting as it may be) was merely a smoke screen excuse and even after the US Government admits that it was not the movie that caused this, they still turn around and use that as the reason this all happened. Man is our government screwed up or what? :1 (103):

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The actual placard I seen on the front page of PDI a long time ago was: Yankees go Home, but please take me with you!

It always amazes me how many people are waiting outside the US Embassy in Manila. Security is also super tight. During my last visit, I saw Philippine Marines with .50 caliber sniper rifles changing guards. They were stationed on the overhang sentry boxes on the perimeter wall.

On weekend, during my early teen years, we use to bicycle to the US Embassy Seafront Recreation Compound on Roxas Blvd. We would inform the sentry on duty that we were there for the baseball game. After a few time, the guard would just wave us through. Not too many Filipinos enjoy baseball, so we were warmly welcomed. These were friendly games between different embassy department, although sometimes the name calling got pretty ugly. I passed the area last April. The place reminds you of a fortress rather than a recreational facility.

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i am bob

This rioting this film has produced really had nothing to do with 9/11 but because of the mocking of the Muslim faith. And this is the result of the work of a man (who it turns out is a Egyptian Coptic immigrant to the US) in his effort to incite war against Israel and the United States by those members of the Muslim faith.

To understand how he intended to do this, we have to understand his plan and the lies he used to attain his goal. And that starts with the manufacture of this film. Even the cast and crew of what was suppose to be a completely different film have said that they were lied to by the man behind it all. The original film was called Desert Warrior and was suppose to be a generic Arabian story without religion connotations. After the original cast and crew were done and gone, new actors were brought in to do "voice dubs". Rather than seeing the part they were to do the voice-overs for or even hearing the original soundtrack, they were told to just say certain words - such as Muhammed. These were then dubbed into the film in such a way as to mock both Muslims and their faith. Even though the man behind all this (Nakoula Basseley Naoula while using the pseudonym of Sam Bacile) claimed he was going to make this film even back in 2009, it would have been difficult as he was in jail for making meth and then after that for bank fraud. He claims that he had made a full length film that was shown in New York in a theatre that he had rented - apparently he also claimed that there were a whole 8 people in the audience. Two supposed trailers were released on YouTube in July of 2012 (this year) one day apart. The overdubs I mentioned earlier were placed in the trailers in such a way as to be insulting to any person of the Muslim faith.

Did I mention that the reason the name Sam Bacile was used was that Naoula was posing as an Israeli business man of the Jewish Faith and that this was an Israeli-backed film? Was he trying to promote a war between Muslims and Israel? Yes. And the United States as well. He knew his rights under the First Amendment. The Supreme Court has upheld the right of people to produce articles of Hate under the First Amendment and thus it will not be banned. The only recourse against the film at the moment is that Nakoula Basseley Naoula has been arrested for Parole violations and will probably be sentenced to another 3 years. Also one of the actresses hired for what she was told was to be an action / adventure drama is suing YouTube (Google) and Naoula in an attempt to have it pulled from YouTube. Anyway, this is why the Muslim faith is up in arms - their faith is being ridiculed and they can't stop it.

So, back to the Op's original question - how safe is it at the embassy in Manilla? So far it has been fairly safe. There was a short demonstration by about 300 Muslims against the film and then just a slight increase in the amount of normal protesters has been reported. So far no violence has been seen or is anticipated.

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