The Majority Filipinos Are….. Adhd?

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For those of us in our 50s or older, if you think way back, do you remember anyone in elementary school exhibiting ADHD symptoms? Sure there was one or two but they were usually disciplined the old-fashioned way (sit in the corner, miss recess, the pair of shoes nailed to a board that was held down by the desk) and it wasn't long before they were acting just like everybody else. Now I'm not saying that there isn't a person who truly has ADHD but rather that I believe a lot of this falls under learned behaviour. Lack of PROPER discipline during the younger life cycle. And I don't mean beating the kids to death for misbehaving or screaming at them until dropping from lack of oxygen either. Which seems to be the common discipline today. Hmmm.... the discipline being carried out seems to show a tendency to ADHD for those performing the discipline, don't you think?

Sarcasm aside, I don't deny that there are true cases of ADHD in this world. But I also believe that well over 90% of reported cases are nothing more than simply poor parenting and the lack of proper and effective discipline.

And don't forget the drug companies! They are making huge amounts of money feeding kids drugs for an "illness" that was semi-invented.

Sure there is a place for some of these drugs. My nephew probably really has a problem as he just could not mentally focus and the drug did get him back on track in school.

However, IMHO our society is too quick to take this route because we are "too busy" to deal with kids that just need more attention and work than others. Both parents working is probably a major contributor to this lack of time. Schools don't want to deal with it anymore and public schools can't administer any kind of in class discipline. Drugs should be a last resort after proper parenting and teaching has been applied.

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i am bob

Above I mentioned that discipline is one of the things I believe that should be the first option to look at. What I didn't mention is another option that is quickly becoming a reality for many families - food allergies! With all the genetically altered foods out there, our bodies are starting to recognise the health issues and rejecting many of these foods. My grandfather was one of the original farmers growing genetically engineered wheat - and the then-new genetically engineered corn was also popular in my area. My sister has developed severe allergies now to both wheat and corn in any fashion.... Fillers, sweeteners, bread, you name it. My nephew (adopted from Romania) is severely Autistic and was recently checked for food allergies - of which it was found that he had many as well. Now he will always be Autistic but he now responds to verbal conversations and even has started to say a few words in response. He has gone from being often violent when upset to quite mild and happier as well, Another former neighbour who is a few years older than my daughter was one of the kids from "heck" growing up. Medications by the bottle full and more variety than a standard pharmacy carries - or so it seemed. Definitely over-medicated. Turned out he was allergic to several common foods including corn (which was the base for all his medications - and nobody figured this out until he was approaching 30 years old! Now he is back in school and studying to be a doctor - so he can help keep other kids from growing up the way he did.

So, before you label that kid ADD or ADHT or whatever new labels they come up with, try to give them lots of love mixed with proper discipline (don't forget to explain why the discipline was required afterwards and along with a hug) and also get them checked for food allergies!

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What I didn't mention is another option that is quickly becoming a reality for many families - food allergies!

Yes, chemicals are surely one of the reasons. An other is less breast feeding, which move restinance from mother to child, plus many children are moved to kindergartens long before they have got chance to build up resistance...

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