Led Bulbs At Cd-R King

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With all bulbs, shut off the switch during blackouts as with no surge protectors, their life will be shortened with frequent blackouts.

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I bought a few LEDs from China to use in Canada and they still  weren't very cheap. Some didn't last very long. I don't like the light colour from the bulb, its more like a florescent bulb. I use them in the laundry room and closets. I think they would be OK outside, but not in my livingroom.

 My house in Canada is very well insulated. I have low voltage halogens in my livingroom. When our weather is a bit cold my house doesn't loose much heat but I've noticed that if the house is 69*, that when I turn on the lights the room will turn 72* quickly. Light bulbs also give off heat, something else to consider if you are trying to keep cool.

 Warm or natural florescent bulbs may be a good choice. Florescent tube bulbs use less electricity if you have them on for long periods. If you are turning them on and off then they do not save as they require more juice to fire the ballister each time.I don't care fore the small florescent bulbs, dim poor light, they are expensive and don't last and they aren't really very ''green''. There is no way to dispose of them properly and I can't remember whats in them, but its not nice.

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I have one LED bulb. I find that I like the light from it better than from a CFL.


Halogens are very hot and some can be a fire hazard if they get close to materials that are easily combustible like paper.

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I am using a 5.5 W GES LED outside 12 hours every night now. It seems as bright as a 7W Firefly. I marked the start on the calendar to see how long it does last.

Many people complain about the CFLs giving them headaches, etc. I stocked up on incandescents at my home in Canada before they were discontinued. My lights will be on long after there is nobody home!

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Hey guys,


Being an electronics geek for the last 40 years, this LED technology has come a long way.  From high tech

LED flashlights, I was pleasantly surprise this technology was finally introduced for home use.  I won't bore

you with the circuitry design but I found it very interesting on the mechanical engineering side of the house.

The basic design allows room for improvement or more LED's, with a good heat sink for heat dissipation and

long term reliability and overall low cost: 



This is from USATODAY about phasing out the old incandescent light bulb: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2013/12/27/incandescent-light-bulbs-phaseout-leds/4217009/

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Posted (edited)

Some interesting energy facts can be found around the web.  I found a pretty good summary here:




It does debunk a lot of energy myths.  For those with slow connections:


Energy Myth Busters

  1. You should leave the lights on because it takes more energy to turn them back on than you'll save by turning them off.  FALSE!
    Fluorescent lights do take a small surge of power when turned on, but this is significantly smaller than the amount saved by turning them off. It used to be that starting them shortened their life, but again this is not significant. It's always better to turn off modern lights if leaving for more than a minute.
    See: Consumer Energy Center
  2. When I switch an appliance off, it might still be using electricity. TRUE!
    Many electronic appliances, such as TVs, DVDs, and microwave ovens draw a significant amount of "standby power." In the average home, 75% of the electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while they are "off." Across the US, this equals the annual output of 12 power plants and costs over $1 billion each year.
    See: Tree Hugger TV
  3. Computers are more reliable and they last longer when they're left on all the time. FALSE!
    The theory was that thermal cycling, from powering computers up and down, stressed and broke the components. The fact is that thermal problems are usually from heat buildup and/or poor ventilation. In any case, it's always better to shut the machine down for energy, security, and operational reasons. Experts agree - shut it off when you leave for the day.
    See: Energy Star
  4. Fluorescent light is unhealthy and incandescent light is good for you.  FALSE!
    Modern fluorescent lighting has much better color and none of the annoying hum or flicker of older fluorescent lighting. Because it's roughly four times as efficient, replacing one incandescent lamp with a compact fluorescent can save $60 and 500 pounds of greenhouse gas over its lifetime. That's healthier for you and the planet.
    See: One Billion Bulbs
  5. Turning the heat down at night doesn't save any energy because you just have to warm it up again. FALSE!
    It takes less energy to warm up a cold room in the morning than it does to maintain a constant temperature throughout the night.
    See: Turn down the thermostat at night?
  6. Windmills kill a significant number of birds, bats, and moths. FALSE!
    Wind energy's impact on birds is extremely low compared to buildings, car/truck traffic, and housecats. Burning fossil fuels creates air and water pollution that does far greater harm to wildlife and the environment.
    See: Technology Review
  7. Showering uses less energy than taking a bath. TRUE!
    Taking a 10-minute shower with a code-compliant low-flow (2.5 gallons per minute) shower head uses 25 gallons of water. A bath takes 30-50 gallons. There are high-quality shower heads that use 1.5 gallons per minute or less.
    See: Bricor
    See: How to Take a Green Shower
  8. Solar energy cannot serve any significant fraction of the country's electricity needs. FALSE!
    Installing photovoltaic panels to cover the 5 million acres of "brownfield"-abandoned industrial sites in US cities - could supply 90% of our current electricity use.
  9. Photovoltaic panels will never generate more energy than was used in their manufacture. FALSE!
    A modern crystalline silicon PV panel will take about four years (about 1/8 the expected life) to generate more energy than used in making it.
  10. Turning your car off uses less fuel and is easier on the components than letting it idle for two minutes, even in very cold weather.  TRUE!
    Idling for more than 10 seconds uses more fuel than restarting the engine. Excessive idling can cause incomplete combustion, harm cylinder walls, foul spark plugs, and corrode exhaust systems. Driving slowly is more effective at warming up a car than idling.
    See: Natural Resources Canada

I've always turned my appliances off at the wall... If the little standby light is on it's costing you PHP!


Edit:  Disclaimer to point one:  I'd say 15 minutes out of the room, flouro bulbs cycling does decrease their life, rather than more energy to be consumed switching them on (it does consume a little, but it's negligible with modern bulbs) .  They're rated partially by how many cycles you can turn them on and off in their lifetime.   Correct me if I'm wrong Jake. 

Edited by BrettGC
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i am bob
Posted (edited)

You are very correct - that is part of how they are rated.

And I agree that turning off your lights will save you money - unless you are using old ballasts that leak like a sieve! Then nothing will save you money until they're replaced!

Sent by using a very long piece of string, a couple tin cans, 2 gaseous monkeys, Tapatalk and my Nexus 4

Edited by I am bob
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