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So I d have to strongly disagree that the UK is proceeding towards being a Muslim nation and I d severely doubt Germany, France or Belgium is any different in that regard.


Later today, I will send you a PM about where you can get some statistical data on the 'new immigrants' to the UK. In the mean time, if you have some spare time, go to  and search Pat Condell and go to his channel and work your way backwards. After that, look up Mr. Anjem Choudray. If you have not seen him on the news or heard him, you have been away too long.

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Mr. Anjem Choudray


Not a very pleasant man: he was responsible for radicalising at least one of the two young Islamist extremists who murdered Fusilier Lee Rigby. Choudray was born and educated in the UK and trained as a lawyer but seemingly he is work-shy preferring to live at the tax payers' expense, receiving benefits to the tune of £25,000 a year. Far worse than him, though, is Abu Qatada, a Jordanian national granted asylum in the UK in 1994. He is a radical Islamist preacher who is a thorn in the side of the establishment, is believed to have affiliations with Al Qaeda and has radicalised a number of British Muslims.  He too lives at the tax payer's expense and has received benefits of over half a million pounds - although one source estimates he has cost the British tax payer in excess of £3 million. He is represented by the rather controversial lawyer, Gareth Pierce, and she has successfully blocked all attempts to deport him to Jordan where he has been already been sentenced (in 1999) to life imprisonment with hard labour for conspiracy to carry out acts of terrorism.


But these two - as well as a number of others  - are very much the exception in the UK. The vast majority of British Muslims distance themselves from those who hijack their religion to espouse their hatred for the west. Indeed there are British Muslims serving in the Army on tours of duty to both Iraq and Afghanistan, including in Lee Rigby's own Regiment.


Choudray has spoken many times advocating the imposition of Shari'a Law in the UK and the previous government did allow for the establishment of Shari'a Councils whose jurisdiction is restricted to Islamic Family Law and the granting of divorces for Islamic marriages - however Shari'a Councils have no jurisdiction over civil marriages. I very much doubt there will be further concessions.


Bruce, you seem to think that the UK will eventually become, in effect, a Muslim state. I suggest to you that it won't and not only because the British people won't allow it but neither will the very rich Arabs. The UK, along with Monaco and the South of France, is one of the places where they come to play, to do all the things they can not in Egypt, Dubai or Saudi, such as drink, chase women and gamble. And our European "friends" - Germany, France and Holland - are clamping down on issues such as the wearing of the Burqa in situations where people need to be identified (banks, airports, government offices etc.).

Edited by Markham
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A few years ago there was a Muslim woman in the USA who claimed she had a religious right to wear a Burqa when making a picture for her Drivers License. The case went to Federal court but of course she lost the case. What good is a picture to identify someone if you can't see their face?  Most Americans believe is religious freedom but there has to be limits.


I couldn't live in a country that is ruled by Muslim law. I love freedom to much.


Muslim Dating website:



Edited by Americano
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lyno 47

Americano welcome to the club.I have spent time in countries where muslim  law is there only system, and like you I found it far too restrictive.There laws are applied to muslims and non muslims,even tourists have to comply cheers

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I'm thinking that this topic is again leading away from its intended purpose and more to a religious debate so time to put it to bed.  :th_closed:

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