New Here With A Few Questions

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How can get the best tourist experience, while being exposed to a significant cultural experience, while also not being bombarded by culture shock?

:)  if it is anything like my first visit all those years ago, when you first arrive, between, the Airport and the Hotel, keep your eyes closed and wear ear plugs. When you go out, in the morning, Open your eyes slowly and as the morning wears on, you will gradually get used, to the Culture Shock.  :hystery:  All joking aside though, be prepared. This place can be one big shock, to the feint hearted, First time around. Day 2 comes and you will be ready, for a few SMB's, Day 3 comes and you will Need those SMB's  :mocking:  day 4 arrives and the ATM don't Accept your card. A few more :dance: No a lot more attachicon.gifSMB.jpg  and there you go, you are now one of us!!






Although I suspect first few sentences said in jest a lot of truth in them.

I lived over 3 years in Cebu and never been happier since I left. We are of course all different, how ever I feel so much offering in Philippines outside of Cebu.

My considered opinion and advice would be do not commit yourself to a long term rental until you spend a few weeks there. The pollution, traffic and squalor can sure wear one down.

Best of luck.

Thanks RBM, that is helpful. I don't want to couped up in a dirty city. What are some of your favorite parts of the Philippines?

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