Robin Williams Dead Age 63

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Apparently, when Robin was asked by a German journalist why the Germans had a reputation for humourlessness, Williams replied, “Because you killed all the funny people.”  :hystery: 


I am deeply saddened when I heard he took his own life. One, because I think he is an incredibly gifted humorist. I'm one of the millions of people he had brought laughter and feel-good tears to. And two, because I myself have been in that horrible mind-space - the feeling of unbearable disconnection from everyone and everything, the intense despair and hopelessness - so much so that I seriously contemplated suicide. I know that feeling very well, as I'd been in that dark place a few times. 

I think RW's passing has helped stir people's awareness of the deeper problems in our society that are causing people (who need serious help) to hide, to isolate themselves, to lose hope. 

Our society stigmatizes negative emotions. We are emotional Nazis. We're told to put our best foot forward and hide our flaws. We're conditioned to show only our pleasant, positive side to others and keep the sh&tty stuff to ourselves. 

Can you imagine having an incredibly sh&tty day, and then posting how you really feel and what you really think on your Facebook status update for everyone to see? *GASP!*

Chances are, you'd be made to feel - whether explicitly or implicitly - that it's not OK to do such a thing. Actually the underlying message is that it's not even OK to feel negative emotions. Essentially the deeper message we all get is that it's NOT OK to be ourselves.


We've created a culture that is afraid to feel. 

"You're bored or feeling lonely? Oh nooo quick! Reach for the beer! The cigarettes! The drugs! Raid the fridge! Eat some cake! Numb your mind with the senseless drivel coming out of the TV! Whatever - just do something, anything!" 

We are a race of beings who had been trained to abandon ourselves the moment we feel any unpleasant emotions. And abandon ourselves we do. Far too well. 
In fact, we have become so damn good at it that we even demonize others who dare to show their emotions, who dare to ask for support/help. "Oh ferchrissakes don't cry/show emotions! To do so means weakness! Pull yourself together and soldier on!" 

And not only that - being unable to be there for ourselves, we have become utterly incapable of truly being there for another human being - without judgement, without prejudice, without the need to "fix" them or make them wrong. 

No wonder we are addicted, isolated, angry, frustrated, depressed, hopeless, disconnected, suicidal. :bash: 

To say you only want the sweet and completely eliminate the bitter or sour is like paying to ride a roller coaster and then saying you only want the highs and none of the lows. Or going out to the beach to surf and then praying no menacing big waves come - it's ?????? ridiculous and it's impossible. For it is exactly through the lows that you get to experience the highs.

There is a great need to start a cultural revolution. We need to start subscribing to a more empowering narrative.  We need to make it absolutely OK to feel how we feel. We need to create a more accepting, unconditionally loving space for each other to be exactly who we are, without being made to feel we are broken in some way or there's something wrong with us just because we feel emotions. 


I found these TED talks quite empowering:


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Posted (edited)

Hello Marj (British Pinay), 


Yeah, I hear save face or to put on a happy fake face seems to be the acceptable norm these days.

I believe we all have our darkest moments and revealing your feelings out in the open forum, is commendable

of you.  We know where you're coming from girl -- we also got thrown under the bus.......


We are here to offer our shoulder for you to cry on.......hell, we will cry along with you.  But in the end it's time

for a reality check and start smiling again.  You will notice young lady, that we have some great members who

give great lessons in life.  Us old farts have been on this earth longer than you have and therefore have made

million more mistakes than you.  If you feel like a tampo coming up, allow us old farts to wipe your tears away,

as well as giving you more cake and halo-halo.....he, he.


Speaking of which, what's wrong with eating cake?  I usually load it up with ice cream, as I just sit there getting

fat and lazy, pissed off at the world and our Father. 


Sometimes it's good to say piss off.......I'm doing it my way!


Respectfully -- Kuya Jake 


PS -- may Robin rest in peace finally 

Edited by Jake
Spil chek
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Mr Williams did many imitations but the funniest one I saw was of Keith Jackson, the college football announcer who made the phrase "Whoa Nellie" popular. I can't find it, if anyone sees it and can add the link I would appreciate. 

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I love the one about Drunk Scots inventing golf.  Classic.

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R.I.P Robin Williams. Probably one of the best characters actors ever. Your memory will always  be with us.

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As loved as he was, ultimately all the fame and fortune in the world was not enough. Our take away should perhaps be one thing he taught us all - laughter, and the other many here have already learned: to take a savior each of life's little quirks and live on island time.

You will be missed Mr Williams

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Wait. What?

I am not the kind of person that idolizes celebrities, but his passing hit me kind of hard. I’m not sure why. I guess I just really liked him and appreciated his work. 

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