How Weird Does It Get

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don't worry too much fellas. i got this.

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don't worry too much fellas. i got this.

Don't recall seeing whether you had visited the Philippines. Might want to consider that 1st before you take over the place :)


As others have said, Filipinos are tolerant and think foreigners are weird in the 1st place, but still there are things you don't want to do in the Philippines. So I guess I would ask for more information about what your idea of being weird is.

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hey, i'm not trying to take anything over, . . . i'd just like to be myself have fun, and see what happens.

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Jack Peterson

hey, i'm not trying to take anything over, . . . i'd just like to be myself have fun, and see what happens.



:) My Friend, just looking at you name here reminds me of something My Grandmother used to tell us Kids. ( just change words to suit things OK?

" Better to be a Small Dog in a Large Pack, than a Large, stand out Dog in a Small Pack"  Just until you find your Feet.

Many battles are won by taking out the Leader, This Place is one, that does just that! :rolleyes:


Morning all,

JP :tiphat:  :morning1:

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hey, i'm not trying to take anything over, . . . i'd just like to be myself have fun, and see what happens.



It's all good, Bam... just go and have fun. You know how folks can be they live there and think they know it all. After all it's not like you need to have a warning label or anything. I mean what could go wrong? 

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hey, i'm not trying to take anything over, . . . i'd just like to be myself have fun, and see what happens.



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Seriously, if you sing any of the big hits from those 80-90's groups like Air Supply, Bon Jovi, Firehouse, (some Michael Bolton, & Richard Marx), etc. <--just about any and/or all of those wore-out songs from that genre/time frame--> you will most likely be well accepted. LOL

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Own your oddity, yet be aware that the Pinoy culture and people have their own oddity. As long as your oddities don't include potentially illegal or dangerous bits like howling at the moon while farting the alphabet--naked--in front of grandmothers playing mah jong, just let it all out. Love your oddities. Love yourself. Why care how others perceive you? You're the one who pays your bills, feeds yourself, live with yourself. Just be thick-skinned. If people talk, let them. (Spoken as a "weird" halfie who is not a big fan of Pacquiao, karaoke, Filipino food, noontime variety shows, soap operas, and the Pope.)

Try to learn a couple of Tagalog or Bisaya songs to add to your repertoire.

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I think a successful band has to be flexible, I know you love your music. but a successful band learns to make their music interesting to their audience. music normally reflects where your living. just add your audience to your music, and that might take awhile of getting feel for where your at and its many rhythms

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