Salt Substitutes

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Mike S
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the heads up on that Dave .... I'm taking the Diamicron MR modified release 60mg with a dosage of 1/2 tablet before breakfast ... just started it this morning so we'll see how it goes ...... do you have some sort of warning before you pass-out so I don't look stupid and pass-out on the floor of SM ..... :hystery: ..... J could never pick me up ...... so we'll just take the wheelchair and if I feel dizzy I can use it ..... plus it's a nice place to put you packages .... :thumbsup:


One good thing is we bought a wheelchair several weeks ago when I was having problems with my walking very far and the malls don't seem to have a place to sit and rest now ..... had to order it special as they didn't have a kano size anywhere here in Bacolod ..... I can walk pretty good now and climb the stairs to our bedroom without getting out of breath ........ same with the blood pressure cuff ...... no where could we find one that was bigger than medium ..... J's sister in Manila found one Omron at the Omron service center and he swapped out the normal cuff with a large one for me .....


Note to you larger guys either here or coming to the Phils ..... we have to jump through hoops to find many many things ..... including medical supplies ..... Manila or Cebu City seem to be the only places to find stuff like that ...... and it ain't cheap ..... just something you might want to prepare for ....


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Dave Hounddriver
do you have some sort of warning before you pass-out


Yes, you will feel light headed and sweaty and need to sit down.


My difficulty occurred when I was jogging, so I expected to feel light headed and sweaty.  Thus I was so was surprised as heck when I passed out and fell flat on my face for about 20 seconds to a minute.  I only know how long it was as there were some passers by who were a ways up the lane when I blacked out and were right on top of me, asking if I was OK when I came around.  I was ok to walk home after a sugary snack.


Other than that one instance I have come close a few times and just sat down, had a snack, and waited it out, (takes about 15 minutes).  It usually happens when I am doing a physical activity.  Anything from walking around the mall to going jogging uses up available blood sugar fast.

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Anyone have any idea where I can find salt substitutes here in Bacolod or that can be shipped to Bacolod .... I'm watching my salt intake in the foods I eat after the Dr. put me on a low sodium diet .... but some foods we cook at home (no more restaurant eating) just taste bland ..... now I've never been much on salt intake so I can get by on most foods by using spices .... fresh garlic .... onion ... ginger to enhance the taste of food .... this low sodium coupled with low fat means that some food tastes like cardboard .....

Tried looking on line but nothing that can be found in the Philippines ..... just tons of stuff from the US ..... I can really start to see why Filipinos just ignore the Dr's orders to cut down on salt and sugar when there is no substitutes available for them .....


Around 30 years ago I eliminated almost all added salt intake from my diet - was pretty heavily into body building and eating 'clean'. One thing I noticed is that after 3-4 months much of the food seemed to taste better- once your taste buds get a chance to adjust.

The only name brand that comes to mind is Mrs. Dash, which can add a nice seasoning flavor especially to eggs. May have to order it and have it delivered, but I'd highly recommend trying it.

Been there and remember how hard it was for me to quit the salt, but the long term benefits are worth it.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Mike S
The only name brand that comes to mind is Mrs. Dash, which can add a nice seasoning flavor especially to eggs


Yes the Mrs. Dash  is excellent as well as the ones put out by the Cajun cook named Prudhomme he has 3-4 different spice mixes that I used to use before ...


Been there and remember how hard it was for me to quit the salt, but the long term benefits are worth it.


I'm not really into a lot of heavy salt use in fact a lot of the foods I used to eat prepared here locally were way to salty for me ...... but some things like pasta ..... rice .... eggs ..... fish and chicken just have to have a pinch of salt to add flavor .... I do find that hot sauce helps a lot with bringing out the flavor as long as it doesn't contain a lot of salt .... the one I use now has 120mg per teaspoon and I only use about 1/2 teaspoon .... 


I'm still experimenting .....  :thumbsup:  :hystery:  ..... interestingly the Dr. told me I could have about 1/4 teaspoon per day to season my food so I have to find out just how much that is and which foods I want to divide up that 1/4 teaspoon on ...... AHA calls for a 1500mg's per day total for all intake ..... it sure is a learning curve ....


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Mike S
Posted (edited)

Here is an outstanding website for finding herb mixtures to supplement your replacement of salt in your diet ......


If there is salt required just eliminate it from the recipe ...... 


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