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The malls have an employment policy which is formally stated as "college graduate, aged 21-30, pleasing personality" - "pleasing personality" was summed up to me by a Filipina HR manager friend as "Must be young, must look mestiza, must be sexy".   


The malls hire on six month contracts, because that is a "temporary contract", and they can fire the employee at the end of that time without penalty, whereas if they hired someone for longer the labour laws would apply.


So all you will see are 21-30 year olds,mostly females.

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 A tough one and you really only can go on what you see yourself,

0ne bro in law use to work on the ships and his wife was a nurse, now he does bugger all she works and he managers the money, he drinks, he fishes, he drinks, he always buys the best cloths, he drinks, he shows off to others, he drinks,

Now to me thats a waster in my eyes and yes we dont speak or see eye to eye , but hey i am happy with that

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Hey Steve

I didn`t want ti hijack Steves post so here I go.

Before when I came out of the gym I used to go to a local eatery. I would have green beans and pancit with tropicana as a drink. I got talking to a young lady there and she said to me she is the breadwinner in her family of 1 baby plus herself and husband. I asked your husband no work  oh no he cannot find.Tonight I am in the local bar and the girl/young woman there told me the same thing.Lazy gits they can hire a bicycle taxi and earn some money from that as you don`t need qualifications for that.Why should we help people who are lazy?I for one will not I worked hard for what I have and will not give it away to a lazy a hole. 

. I wonder if the husbands are truly and accurately that way (yes, could be)..but then again, I know many sob stories and sad stories from Filipinas with the hope for a financial reaction for a temporary remedy. I have seen this side as well in many different avenues in PI life. I'm not saying it's a hustle from these particular woman, but I do know of women who can turn on the water works at the drop of a hat, sad forlorn eyes, the whole bit-and just hope for the best. My wife's ate for example has done this from time to time and I was clued by my wife early on regarding this angle she used.

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scott h
The malls have an employment policy which is formally stated as "college graduate, aged 21-30, pleasing personality" - "pleasing personality" was summed up to me by a Filipina HR manager friend as "Must be young, must look mestiza, must be sexy".


Just to add a bit to Meth. Thought I would mention something I noticed. I live in southern metro manila, stones throw from SM (can walk to it) Mall of Asia (tourists and rich folks go there). Girls are almost with out exception really cute. My local Mall SM Sucat (again can walk to it, working class area) the girls are cute but not as cute as MOA. A bit further away is a smaller SM, lower class area, just some down right bone ugly girls there. At the other end of the same road SM BF Homes (back in a middle class area) good looking girls again. hmmmm think there is a reason SM is so successful? :hystery:

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My s.o was the bread winner in her life with her lazy ex-husband, but not divorced or annulled, plus she kept the house up to scratch and the only thing he scratched was his ar..hole for years.

She worked overseas to put her 2 kids through Uni and that is no mean achievement as she was poorly paid but better than she would get in Phils.  Now no super, no long service etc except me.

Never complains or utters a word of malice towards her ex.

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Jack Peterson

In my experience in Philippines those men who cannot find suitable employment tend to be the house husband who takes care of the family while the wife/ partner goes out to work.



JB I would like to agree with you but as I sit here I just have to say That is not what I find. Having walked the Dogs not long ago, I passed what they term the SIT. SIT. There as always are, 5 Young men, all with Children around them 6 months to 4 years old maybe

Also present are my niece and here friend, As I write this it is 8.30 am and they are Drinking and Playing cards.

Now I am not saying all are like this but here in my Area it seems we have No work but it's OK some one is Working and Mama will be along soon to do the Chores.

Negative ? Yep on this very much So. There are 6 new Builds in the Barangay, Labour comes from Sibulan and Valencia, Why?

there are no workers available here I was told. Yeah! and I am the Tooth Fairy, I can give them 5 now today But no one wants them. Why? Lazy! We have a shortage of Helpers too but these 2 ladies like it better at home with the Boys and having fun!

Lazy is the answer.

As we say in our own Countries, there are the Unemployed & there are the Unemployable


Jack  :unsure:


ps The niece is the one that complained I gave here the cheaper rice.


Sorry Guys and Gals but this is something that makes my Blood Boil, Especially when likes of the Social welfare receivers at home can afford to Drink but not do days work or clean the House and have to borrow rice.


rant over, Sorry.

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I know some house husbands here and the UK and they and their wives have found it more financially viable to do it this way. The 2 I am talking about in this case are lazy gits who if they got off their backsides would earn more than their wives.

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Jack Peterson

I know some house husbands here and the UK and they and their wives have found it more financially viable to do it this way. The 2 I am talking about in this case are lazy gits who if they got off their backsides would earn more than their wives.

Ah yes SJ, Role Reversal I can Understand and Totally agree with but as you Indicated this is just not the case here.

Classic Example of the sometimes Mothered Son who see a pampered  life as his right and Couldn't give a T....s about anyone else or anything.

I Heard one not long ago tell the Store owner, asking to use his phone to ring the Shop where his Wife worked to come home Absent as the baby had Pooed it's Pants twice. Not ill, just too much Juice?

Good Topic SJ but I think we may get many negatives on this, Hope I am wrong but.............. :no:


Jack :)

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