The Loan. The Filipino And You.

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Yeah, much discussed and much referenced topic.


And quite well documented here and in practice that a good amount of these loans will not be paid back.


Now it hits home once again (with Gina of all people).


The issue that we are now having is that her personal loans and credits have gone up a little, under 5k, but enough to irritate me at the end of the month.  Some "extra" items she will buy in the market, things for the kids, clothing, her skin care (approved by me)......but all in all enough to catch my attention.


I happened to mention to her that we are paying off her credits every pension day, and that 5k or even less, has to come out of next month's budget. She says she understands, but imo not really. That's 5k of savings or 5k of buffer money to hold us through the month, so the same thing won't happen.


So give her a little more weekly allowance? No because she will spend whatever is given and that's why we are having the problem in the first place.  She gets 5k week household money and will go to the market 4-5 days. I keep a small amount in my pocket to cover the extras, probably 1500 or less, because I don't need much. 


Now this is a personal issue and it's not totally out of control, but it's not going in the right direction.




How about others? Let's talk about you and the partner, rather than outside loans, which is a topic that could run on. And it's already mentioned enough here.

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Dave Hounddriver
Let's talk about you and the partner, rather than outside loans


Yes, "Y" likes to spend whatever is in her budget, PLUS buy crap from friends, neighbors and aquaintances on a 'buy now pay later' plan PLUS likes to budget whatever I have in my personal spending so that it benefits her (example:  if she knows I have 1,000 pesos to spend she will plan 3 meals out at about 300 pesos each as she knows we can 'afford' it.


So all my money goes to the benefit of the loved one.  As I frequently tell her, I enjoy treating her like a princess so long as she does not act like one.


Moral of the story:  NEVER let the little woman know exactly how much money you have or are getting.  She will figure it out pretty close so you will have to be cagey if you want to have anything left over.

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PLUS buy crap from friends, neighbors and aquaintances on a 'buy now pay later' plan PLUS likes to budget whatever I have in my personal spending so that it benefits her (example:  if she knows I have 1,000 pesos to spend she will plan 3 meals out at about 300 pesos each as she knows we can 'afford' it.


That pretty much nails it. People selling franchise stuff, massively overpriced vitamins etc. We got a bottle of soft jelly sweets which are supposed to be Vitamin C for the finished of the bottle in 2 days, because that's all they were sweets.


There's the one where someone has just killed a pig or goat and they are handing out 1 kg packages, pay later. And they charge market price no discount because we don't have to travel. And our people will eat that same day even if we already had a full meal.

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She will figure it out pretty close so you will have to be cagey if you want to have anything left over.


They have a 6th sense which tells them if you have loose change in the pocket. This kicks in late afternoon around merienda time.


Gina is good enough not to check my pocket or even raid my change, but she has a good idea how much I have. However on her side she wont disclose how much she's holding, Usually short.

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Jack Peterson

 I can't really say much here apart from it is they way they have always worked and lived. As I have often said with Azon Full time Working I have no real need to Bother myself as she deals well with all things BUT it does erk me and this is where I can see Chris's point of View,

Whist She is in control of the House Budget, there is never a month goes by where i don't have to Fork out of my savings for something she has either Forgotten, or never told me about in the First place. (lending that couple of K to a friend or family) As I say I trust her 100 % but again I do get Erked, as she sometimes does not understand it Cuts down my Spending ability each month  :hystery:  and the extra never seems to come back to me when the cash comes in next month. And I put my Wedge in.

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   From day 1, I insisted no credit, no loans, no take now-pay later. It wasn't much of a change for her so it was easy. We pay the bills either automatically online before the due date or the day after we get the bill. A few times, the budget ran out so I told her that I will call my pension company and if they will give me more money, then I will give her more money. The budget hasn't changed in 2 years. For the first year, I did the budget and kept track of the monthly expenses so I know how much it need be. School expenses are not in the budget, but minor medical issues are.

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Forgotten, or never told me about in the First place. (lending that couple of K to a friend or family)


That's the classic really. They will not tell you.


From day 1, I insisted no credit, no loans, no take now-pay later.


You are lucky a few others, Mogo is another, you took control from Day 1.


I have never been a person like that, and it gets me in more trouble. And more trouble if I try to crack the whip ex post facto, after the horse has bolted.

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Not being there and not on sort of budget too, i really cannot comment on this Chris, but i do understand,

Ems has her own money but i must insist she puts away a set amount each week/month into her ISA, the rest she buys food and other bits, i think she has around £150/ £200 left each month to do what she wants,

I understand what the others have said about the crap there so called friends try to sell there partners, Ems gets it still, the miracle cream which will turn you white, get rid of your spots and so on, UTTER CRAP, i say but hey do they listen

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Jack Peterson


Forgotten, or never told me about in the First place. (lending that couple of K to a friend or family)


That's the classic really. They will not tell you.




From day 1, I insisted no credit, no loans, no take now-pay later.


You are lucky a few others, Mogo is another, you took control from Day 1.


I have never been a person like that, and it gets me in more trouble. And more trouble if I try to crack the whip ex post facto, after the horse has bolted.


OH! I don't know Chris, Shut that Stable Door and leave it 2 or 3 months maybe reduce the Budget to suit and then sit her down and try and make her Understand that if and when you go back to Oz Things will be even harder to put right if they get out of hand. I had to sit My daughter down and explain things like this, took a little while but now, she comes and asks before she buys, Of course this is where it went wrong to start with Mums not looking after the Budget right. So when Adulthood comes they just do as Mum did. You can't stop what has gone bye but we all can help prevent it if we use our Common. I know it ain't always easy but it ain't impossible, " cruel to be kind" Comes to mind

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OH! I don't know Chris, Shut that Stable Door and leave it 2 or 3 months maybe reduce the Budget to suit and then sit her down and try and make her Understand that if and when you go back to Oz Things will be even harder to put right if they get out of hand. I had to sit My daughter down and explain things like this, took a little while but now, she comes and asks before she buys, Of course this is where it went wrong to start with Mums not looking after the Budget right. So when Adulthood comes they just do as Mum did. You can't stop what has gone bye but we all can help prevent it if we use our Common. I know it ain't always easy but it ain't impossible, " cruel to be kind" Comes to mind


You first jack, let me know how it goes. :lol:  :lol:


Getting back to Oz of course makes it easier. The way it looks is that I will cover her motorcycle payment and leave her to deal with the rest. Experience might be a better teacher. Gina has come a long way in 5 years, but her tastes and needs have been refined over that time. And she's very good to the children, keeping the image she has built for them....(read, they are foreigners everywhere they go here), expected to dress well and not be deprived of anything.


You win some Jack, and you will lose on the other hand. Azon is independent, but also you are left alone, pro and con, 40 hours a week. Gina is usually around to look after my needs and kulit me at the same time.


It will be interesting though. Besides getting through the 24 months, I'm planning a car at the end, so savings on my side=she will have to manage because as soon as I'm back, school fees will kick in.

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