Expat Or Sexpat, There Is A Difference

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DAAAAAAd He's picking on me again. For your information I can too get laid with a handful of large notes. (Can you loan me some?)While the definations you gave cover a lot of ground there are a number of people I have known that would not fit either of them. I think someone who is sampling the lilys with no intention of a serious involvement would cover it better.
The Respect, or lack of it, we show our ladies in public often determines the attitude of local's to us exPats.The attitude of our Ladies also influence's the Local's opinion.IMO.Tom
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Mr Lee
DAAAAAAd He's picking on me again. For your information I can too get laid with a handful of large notes. (Can you loan me some?)While the definations you gave cover a lot of ground there are a number of people I have known that would not fit either of them. I think someone who is sampling the lilys with no intention of a serious involvement would cover it better.
Tom_shor the jokester, :SugarwareZ-034: Also the second part and your definition is perfect IMO.
The Respect, or lack of it, we show our ladies in public often determines the attitude of local's to us exPats.The attitude of our Ladies also influence's the Local's opinion.IMO.Tom
Tom (Singers) You hit the nail on the head, seeing how some expats treat their ladies (often like slaves or sex toys) they will often get from the locals what they give to their ladies, so if they treat them without respect then they were probably the same guys who could not get a lady back home because most western women would never put up with their male chauvinist attitude, thus the saying about the hundred dollar bills probably applies to them.
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Lee, you definitely stirred the pot about Sexpats in which every posts have their excellent points of view, especially the definition: basically perverted losers back home and abroad. Additionally, I would like to point out that "a truck load of young Filipino construction type were passing by and yelled out to my wife...." would be similar even if you substitute Filipino with Germans, Russians or Martians construction type. It's a man thing -- immature men on a passing truck or from an elevated construction platform getting their daily laughs or insults without any retribution. Now on the other hand, if "they" were foolish enough to insult your (our) wife in front of you, I believe the outcome would be an immediate reaction. The wife could even file a complaint called defamation of character to the local PNP. That is of course, if "they" survived the swift kick in the nuts by having their balls lodged in their throats. We may be retired but still active -- Joaquin (speaking of which, can I get some Viagra over there??) ha, ha

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Lee, you definitely stirred the pot about Sexpats in which every posts have their excellent points of view, especially the definition: basically perverted losers back home and abroad. Additionally, I would like to point out that "a truck load of young Filipino construction type were passing by and yelled out to my wife...." would be similar even if you substitute Filipino with Germans, Russians or Martians construction type. It's a man thing -- immature men on a passing truck or from an elevated construction platform getting their daily laughs or insults without any retribution. Now on the other hand, if "they" were foolish enough to insult your (our) wife in front of you, I believe the outcome would be an immediate reaction. The wife could even file a complaint called defamation of character to the local PNP. That is of course, if "they" survived the swift kick in the nuts by having their balls lodged in their throats. We may be retired but still active -- Joaquin (speaking of which, can I get some Viagra over there??) ha, ha
Most of the stuff they sell here is made in India. If you need it I suggest you bring your own. Most especially don't ever buy it from a street vendor. Some people have died after taking whatever it is they are passing off as Viagra.
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