Foreigners On The Street

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Jim Sibbick
Misleading title: What's your protocol for passing by other foreigners in the Philippines?When first in Asia, I tried to smile and say hi when passing by another foreigner, but the other person often had already tucked their head down to ignore me and kept walking, lol. So I tried to do the same after that, figuring I looked like a newbie when I tried to greet other foreigners. I would tuck my head down or gaze straight ahead with lazer like focus, right beside but not AT the other foreigner's head. Then he would attempt a hello, but I'd be caught off guard without enough time for an appropriate response, and might stammer out a, "Bley!" (Bye, Hey, Hello)I've heard foreigners talk about how only newbies are lame enough to think we should all say hi just because we're a different skin color than the locals. Then I've heard others say it's lame to not say hi, since we're all foreigners in a strange land and should support each other, even with just a simple acknowledgement or greeting. So what do you do? It's a lot easier to initiate the hello when they're uglier than you; tall, good looking people, with style are intimidating! kiddin... or maybe they are. I try to give a nod, a "hey", or something, but sometimes am left hanging. I'm never disappointed I tried, however, especially if they respond in kind.
In Cebu City, there is so many foreigners that most are off in their own world when walking along. However, if I make eye contact, i will attempt a greeting too. Even if just a nod of the head.On Leyte, I might be the only foreigner I will see ( if I look in the mirror) for several days so if I see another foreigner, I am curious as to why they are there and will definitely attempt a greeting.Regards; Jim
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I think it's that people are different. I'm fairly out going and was suprised on my first visit the number of 'hellos!' that were rejected. Now I find that sometimes could end up having a chat for a number of minutes with other blokes.Maybe some people can't be bothered to talk, are reserved and private.Then again , could it be the lack of communication is embarrassment at maybe being considered an old pedo by some....hehehe...come in traveler! lol!
yes Roy my take on this is that many of them might be hiding from xwives child support or from the law as we often read in the news here of them getting caught but not often enough for my likeing & many of them are probably pedos so they are only interested in young girls & not meeting fellow foreignerss coz we give them competition. I have watched many of these pedos hitting on young girls in mcdo jollyb & other fast food places kids hang out.
:23_11_62[1]: so now you are giving the pedos competition,just shows the truth comes out in the end
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