Brit, Girlfriend Charged With Girl’S Murder

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Posted (edited)

Bloody Hell Lee! Think you spent too long amongst the rats and lowlife critters in CDO. There's been many a post on here of people having successful long term relationships / marriages with ex bg's. And I also know of someone whose girlfriend was summoned to a barangay hearing by her aunty. Her aunty was demanding she be supported by my friend's girl because she had a foreigner boyfriend. It wasn't a successful demand and in the 'court' the aunty flew off the handle threatening the girl, and saying things like she hopes she dies or her boyfriend dies and she ends up living in a sidewalk.That aunty was never a bargirl...seems it's just the culture here, not quite got the art of decorum and self respect under control.

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Mr Lee
So you're saying her outburst had nothing to do with the father calling her a slut, murderer and every other bad name in the book and saying he wanted to see her jailed for the rest of her life? Would that not make any emotional person say the things that girl said once things started to go her way?
I see your second reply as well and that seems more in line with my thoughts, but let me say, would any of us in the same situation insult the father or prosecutor, even if they was insulting us? I think not. I would be nice and tell them nicely that I feel their pain and hope they catch the actual killer. She is using the system to get all the evidence thrown out, and not trying to prove her innocence because she can prove she was not there. The system sucks, but we all have to live within it. If she is not guilty, then why not alllow dna tests on the blood in her car, would it not prove her innocent. If she is not guilty,. then why not allow the thumb drive to be examined by experts. If she is not guilty then why not allow the hair samples found in her home to be tested, etc, etc. If I was not guilty of a crime then I would even offer to pay for said dna testing to prove my innocence and try to help the father to catch the real killer, instead of using loophole to abuse the system. Her attitude and demeanor tells me a lot about her guilt or innocence and even if she was innocent, and at this point I would put money she is not, then her attitude sucks and is truly hardened, which was my point in the first place.
Bloody Hell Lee! Think you spent too long amongst the rats and lowlife critters in CDO. There's been many a post on here of people having successful long term relationships / marriages with ex bg's.
Yes Roy a few have slipped through the cracks because the man may be more accepting, or because the woman was the exception, but to me they are few and far in between. Yes I have a bad attitude towards this, because I have seen many mens hearts broken by ladies like those, and I have seen the ladies dump them once they got to where they were then comfortable. So do those ladies stay with the men because of the monthly check or pension that comes in, or are those guys fairly wealthy and therefore the ladies actually stay because of love and not leave them and clean out half of all they own.The point I try to make most often is, there are so many wonderful single ladies here, why take the added burden of trying to turn one of those ladies around, unless we enjoy knowing that our ladies are well used and abused and thus have a white knight syndrome and want to save them. As I think I said somewher, there are also guys into swapping, swinging, and threesomes etc, and I would imagine that a former bargirl might just be much more accepting of those lifestyles. Anyway that is my opinion and I am sticking to it, and while you or a few others might know of some who have good marriages, none of us actually knows what goes on behind those closed doors, and recently a friend who I thought was a strait shooter, turned out to be anything but, so he had me fooled until it was proved to me otherwise by his own words when I told him things I had found out, that he was not who I thought he was and was lying to make himself look like the innocent victim. Now is what he did a bad thing, no, he has a right to his lifestyle but IMHO he should have gotten himself a lady accepting of that lifestyle and been upfront about it, and not tried to convert one to it.
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Some of these charges, and some of the evidence she is trying to get thrown out appears like "piling on," for those of you familiar with American football. Its like the police are saying "let's charge this couple with every crime we can think of...maybe something will stick." As I remember the original case, the little girl was not sexually assaulted, so what does pornography have to do with this case, for example? Or why would they be looking for evidence of child pornography specifically. Yeah, yeah! I know that's illegal. However, this was a MURDER investigation.No doubt, this female would not score high on the character scale, but last time I checked, that is not a crime. ...and I think we all know a bunch of expats here that ought to be truly thankful that it isn't. I want the culprits caught as much as anyone else. However, I want the culprits caught, not just a conviction of whoever is down on their luck, for whatever crime the police can find enough evidence to possibly support. Part of this may be "saving face" after they proved to be so incompetent in the first arrest. However, both arrests, taken together and police actions viewed as a continuum rather than as separate incidents, I wonder if we aren't being too judgmental about police incompetence. In other words, they may have had a different agenda than what all of us would expect...from the very beginning. Perhaps we will never know what really happened, or who was REALLY involved.I am trying very hard here not to make any specific accusations, or to accuse any specific person of anything. Just saying, sometimes, ya gotta wonder.

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Apart from this case there was another recent one where a Norwegian was accused of something and he was on CCCTV at another place at the alledged time but still hauled in for all the crap which dragged on for weeks before he was cleared.Incompetence? Other agenda? Definately gotta wonder.Is it a case of grabbing the first 'lead' because haven't got the brain, the will, the outlook, to explore other possibilities and then just get a quick tick in their column of 'self perceived' ability to solve crime. They must start feeling pretty stupid eventually when it all falls flat. Then again, do they?Hard to see TV producers here having the ability to come up with Philippines version of CSI or City Homicide...then again there could be their version of Keystone Cops.

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Mr Lee
Some of these charges, and some of the evidence she is trying to get thrown out appears like "piling on," for those of you familiar with American football. Its like the police are saying "let's charge this couple with every crime we can think of...maybe something will stick." As I remember the original case, the little girl was not sexually assaulted, so what does pornography have to do with this case, for example? Or why would they be looking for evidence of child pornography specifically. Yeah, yeah! I know that's illegal. However, this was a MURDER investigation.No doubt, this female would not score high on the character scale, but last time I checked, that is not a crime. ...and I think we all know a bunch of expats here that ought to be truly thankful that it isn't. I want the culprits caught as much as anyone else. However, I want the culprits caught, not just a conviction of whoever is down on their luck, for whatever crime the police can find enough evidence to possibly support. Part of this may be "saving face" after they proved to be so incompetent in the first arrest. However, both arrests, taken together and police actions viewed as a continuum rather than as separate incidents, I wonder if we aren't being too judgmental about police incompetence. In other words, they may have had a different agenda than what all of us would expect...from the very beginning. Perhaps we will never know what really happened, or who was REALLY involved.I am trying very hard here not to make any specific accusations, or to accuse any specific person of anything. Just saying, sometimes, ya gotta wonder.
To answer your question about pornography, there is nude photos and then there is also photos depicting actual sex, and both are used at times. I have unfortunately had to sit through some of evidence used at a trial of a pornographer, and in those videos he had the little girl holding a dildo and rubbing herself and using her finger on herself, and then asking him if he loved her now. He is now serving a life sentence and will die in jail, where IMHO all child pornographers deserve to be. So some of you may say I am extreme in my views, and you may be correct, and it is because of my past life and having to deal with some of these sub human types. Is Santos guilty, I do not know but I do have a gut feeling. As for piling on charges, some of that is used to make sure they get a conviction when people use the system to have evidence excluded. So time will tell if she did it, or not, but not wanting dna evidence submitted to labs is pretty damning to me, because I have found that innocent people usually want to do whatever it takes to prove themselves innocent, that was what the Norwegian couple did, and while it took way more time than it should, justice prevailed in their case at the end. Now you may say they cannot trust the system here because of what happened to the last couple, you would be correct, but that is what their lawyer is for, to send out the same items for dna tests of their own, to see if they match the results that the police end up getting. Hiding behind technicalities shows guilt to me, and there are other things innocent people can do to make sure they do not end up convicted, and one of them is what I listed above, so why has her lawyer not asked the court for some of those samples to send out for his own dna tests, If he has not, then the answer is staring us all in the face. It is also strange that the lawyer who represented the other couple, was said to refuse to represent this couple. I too want the guilty parties charged, but from all I see, they already have charged one of them, and I will only change my mind if she allows dna tests to prove she is not guilty, and does not use bull technicalities to get the evidence dropped.
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For those of you who seem to think that you can take the bar out of the bargirl, please read THIS NEWS STORY of the court ordering the return of the vehicle due to the wrong license plate number in the warrant, and read how insensitive and cocky Santos is and then tell us she is no longer a bar girl at heart. What type of person would act like that, surely not someone who has a heart.
During the hearing, Santos stuck out her tongue at Renante. “Gaba! Namatay imo’ng anak (You’ve had your comeuppance. Your daughter is now dead),” she said, laughing.
How do you come up with that logic?I think that is really a weird statement to say she acts like that because she is or was a bargirl,there are idiots in court everyday all over the world that say or have done bad things and I'm sure they are not all ex bargirls.The same for being heartless,you dont have to be a bargirl to be heartless and whats to say bargirls are heartless?
You and others who have not worked in the industry, or had to deal with them within the industry, be it here or somewhere else, or just have had to deal with them in other ways, both of which I have experience, would first have to, in order to fully understand where I am coming from. A woman, any woman, who has to have sex with many different men, who she has no attachment to, in order to earn a living, becomes very hardened and detached to do so, and it takes a heartless bitch to insult someone who has lost their child, and then on top of that even laughs at them. No she did not have to be a bargirl to become like that, and sometimes others are just plain born that way, or learn it from their family, but Santos being a former bargirl, and acting the way I see her act on TV, has become a hardened, heartless person, who came from nowhere (being poor) and now thumbs her nose at others because she has arrived (she thinks) at thinking she is someone now, because she now has money and a foreign bf. To me she is pure garbage, acts like trash, dresses like trash, an no not just sexy, trash, there is a difference, and she speaks bad of others like trash, so while she may have learned those habits before becoming a bargirl, my best guess from personal interaction (no not sex) with hookers, bargirls and strippers, is that she became that way from having to live the life of a bargirl. People who deal with many of these ladies, and see how nice they act towards them, have not lived with some of them, or spent enough time with some of them, to know who they really are. Maybe some of you who think otherwise, might like to ask the guys who run those bars, to see what they think of said ladies. My guess is they will tell you exactly what I am telling you, I know because I have spoken to a few, even here in the good old Philippines. As I have always said, there are no doubt exceptions to the rule, that I feel is a rule, but just put yourself into any job, and look at how a new person to that job act when they first come aboard that job, and see how we have changed from being in that job for a period of time, and then you know where I am coming from. Look at newbies to the Philippines and how we acted when we were newbies, verses how we, or they act once we then feel comfortable in ours or their new environment, and again then you will understand where I am coming from.Bargirls have to do unspeakable things, that it takes them to become hardened and detached to do, because most of those things are not things they would have ever even dreamed of doing in their normal previous life, had they not become a bargirl, so I am sorry if what I write offends you, or someone else because you or they think you know someone who is different, but any person who becomes good at what they do, changes, and therefore that is where I am coming from, and besides that, they learn to tell us what they know we want to hear, a learned trait in order to earn the most money and survive, so most often unless they let their hair down with us, they are not who they pretend to be when with us. NO I do not speak from experience with Philippine bargirls, other than talking to quite a few over the years where they had nothing but a free drink to gain from me, so some let their hair down when asked the correct questions, but one prostitute is the same as the next IMHO, even when they have different genes. So all, think what you wish to think about them, but until you have walked in my shoes, or have actually run one of those places, IMHO you probably do not know of what you speak, when you think your bargirl is different. Or maybe it is me who is full of it, your choice to think what you want, but maybe if and when some of you get into real relationships with a real bargirl, then maybe report back here and tell us after a year or so that I was wrong. I would love to hear it, and see that I am wrong, even a few times.
The whole point I was trying to make leads to your own words sometime back and that is dont paint a whole group with the same brush.Of course some bargirls may be heartless but as you would know from past experience many other walks of life are like that too and would act just the same.This Santos woman my be from a hardened rat bag family before she was a bargirl so maybe its her natural demeanor. What about reformed drug addicts that have done some bad things,are they never to change inside or the once off drunk driver who killed someone,do you mean they will always be the same?
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Mr Lee
The whole point I was trying to make leads to your own words sometime back and that is dont paint a whole group with the same brush.Of course some bargirls may be heartless but as you would know from past experience many other walks of life are like that too and would act just the same.This Santos woman my be from a hardened rat bag family before she was a bargirl so maybe its her natural demeanor. What about reformed drug addicts that have done some bad things,are they never to change inside or the once off drunk driver who killed someone,do you mean they will always be the same?
More often than not, we are what we are, or have become, and do not change. Criminals are proof of that, most jails are full of repeat offenders, and most arrested for child porn end up arrested again for it when they get out. I knew of few drug addicts who ended up leading a totally clean life, yet it does happen when they themselves hit bottom and decide to change, but there is a big difference being at the bottom pit of life and making more money than they ever had in their life, and then having to settle for a mundane life.The whole thing is simple to me, more than not it will not work, so with hundreds of thousands or millions of bargirls in this country and others, some are bound to work out for one reason or another. One stripper I knew who never made much money did settle down with a rich guy, and she told me it was because he was rich, while another gorgeous lady who earned a $1000 or more a night just dancing, married and was back dancing in a couple of weeks because he would not give her a few thousand a week for her to spend on her clothes and shoes etc. So I guess if a guy is willing to keep supporting her family to above and beyond what she could have earned herself turning tricks, then maybe it can work.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Mr Lee

Odd turn of events. So why would she want to sell her vehicle, and for so little? Almost seems like it would not have been worth it to sell, and maybe a coat of paint to change its appearance would have been a much easier way, if it was because the vehicle was controversial, unless they wanted to get the car as far away as possible, and to a dealer who would change the whole interior, so that it could not be impounded again, or if it was, then all traces of evidence would most likely be gone? Just seems strange, if I was innocent, then I would not have sold the vehicle, what about you? Why replace a perfectly good vehicle because it might be controversial? THE blue Mitsubishi Pajero, which was purportedly used in the kidnap-slay of 6-year-old Ellah Joy Pique, was sold to a car dealer in Manila last Monday for P100,000.Bella Ruby Santos, the vehicle owner, said she sold the Pajero on the advice of her lawyers because it was so controversial. Police confiscated the Pajero in a raid of her residence in Naga City last March 4 on the strength ob a search warrant.The court later ordered the Criminal Intelligence and Detection Group in Central Visayas to return the Pajero to the woman after defects in the warrant surfaced.The CIDG’s lawyer Inocencio dela Cerna said police were not worried by the sale, saying it can still be traced and “could still be used as evidence.” “I just pity the buyer because he might be inconvenienced later,” said Dela Cerna.Santos’ lawyer Ana Luz Cristal declined to name the buyer.Bella sells controversial Pajero for P100T

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Mr Lee

Another update for those wishing to follow this, and possibly finally bringing this to a head if no photos inside the USB drives are that of the little girl who was killed, or other children. I would doubt those charged would be foolish enough to keep photos of the girl on there, but even photos erased can usually be recovered by experts unless the drive was totally reformatted. Showing of Bella Santos' USB contents postponed

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  • 5 weeks later...
Ah yes, another case of great minds at work Seems the Cebu finest failed to do exactly what any other police force in the world would do...investigate the immediate family.I seem to suggest that from the start, while others were ready to believe kiddie porn and the rest of the chismosa (DNA?...really...where and when?)...when common sense said, why would a foreigner AND his GF kill a little girl?...because she failed to "pose" nude? Yeah...sure. Blame the foreigner and let the real killer be free. This reeks of family member...not two strangers. Oh, and the evidence?There never was any. Well duh...if they had ANY, it would of been released faster then a pinay texting what she is doing. Unless you call a little girl eyewitness accounts as evidence. :th_thholysheep:Laughing stock...again.
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