My True Definition Of Wealth

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Wealth is a relative issue. I was satisfied and considered my self wealthy when i was owning a 50m2 appartment, a modest car and enough money that i could go me and my gf (not married then) for a modest dinner with 2-3 drinks at a bar later once or twice a week. I need nothing more. I reached that on my 26.

No i did not lay back declaring satisfied and do nothing more. My mentality tells me when one is not producing/creating anything then he is just a weight on this earth, unless he is older and physical not able to. I keep on working, 20 years after i have way much more than i ever wanted to and i still do not need for my self.

My wealth is to be healthy, happy and being able to work so i can give to my kid a better life than the one i had. I reached to the point now that i am thinking, enough i made for him, he has to have a reason to work for himself too. Now what? Ok, i lavished my self bought me a 4x4 car for hobby, another barnd new car for the wife, took an easier job (and funny enough it paid better than my previous one), developing my photogarphy hobby, enjoying life. All in a modesty, i do not need big anyway. Retirement (meaning receiving a monthly pension from goverment) is 20-25 years away. In the mean time i will keep on my living, keep on working, perhaps travel with my wife and kiddo more, invest more on the experiences my family gets, than the materials. Wealth is a set of mind, if you do not have the mind you cannot have the wealth. The mind set is made through experiences.

In case things go so bad that i am not able to work tomorrow, i still have some incomes to keep us just above the survival limit, will sell some properties too, will manage to stay on a decent life as i thought of it on my begining.

That is my definition of wealth.

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  • 1 month later...

Interesting conversation not least about what i the definition of wealthy. For me to keep things simple I would consider wealthy to be financial wealth. It plus relationships plus health will all be factors in how happy you are.

I realised at an early age that for me wealth did not equal happyness. I had a high paying job in the city of london earnt a fortune but absolutely hated it. I do not have particularly luxurious tastes so I really could not spend the money I earnt. After that moved around jobs a bit until I found one I enjoyed. Of course it paid a lot less but I was much happier.

I do believe that a total lack of wealth will make it very difficult to be happy or to be more precise if you have a decline in wealth so that you can not longer to live at a level you are acustomed to will be very difficult.

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Nice topic

I think wealth, health and independence are all tied together. It is easy to be young and poor because for most young people . their health is not an issue and the physical well being lets them be independent. This is one reason at almost 46 yrs old , I workout harder and can out physical, men 1/2 my age. I workout to protect my wife and I, as we age. I have worked in hospitals as a RN for the last 15 yrs and I cant believe how poor of physical condition people in their 50 and 60's are ? For me personally, 4 million USD is what it would take for me to " feel " wealthy .

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I don't remember who said it, or where I read it, but it stuck with me all these years. It stated "The true measure of wealth is when you determine how many days forward you can live if you lost all sources of income." And this is why a retirement pension, investment dividends, or rental income are the ticket to financial freedom.

And the intangibles attached to this is statement, which is difficult to quantify, is your quality of life - which exponentially reflects my decision to move to the philppines. To me, it's about people, relationships and family - surrounded with financial security.

That is my dream. And my definition of ultimate wealth. What's yours???

About the red:

What??! If you have any investment divident or rental income, then you haven't lost all your sources of income :)

I didn't mean to pry, but my point was that you cannot live on love alone. And I hope there are more woman like Elsa out there.

Yes. I hope I have found one :)

Anyway - As long being healthy and have money enough to basic living and a bit more, I find it enough money to be happy. As other said, there are many unhappy rich people, I believe much depending of they concentrate to much on money...

Edited by Thomas
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I stand corrected. The definition of wealth should be "How many days forward you can live if you lost your job, or the ablity to work."

And for your other comment, I do agree that there are unhappy rich people in the world, but I bet there are a lot more unhappy people out there that are poor, or are in a financial pickle. There is a reason why, in the US, the number one cause of divorce is because of money...

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I stand corrected. The definition of wealth should be "How many days forward you can live if you lost your job, or the ablity to work."

And for your other comment, I do agree that there are unhappy rich people in the world, but I bet there are a lot more unhappy people out there that are poor, or are in a financial pickle. There is a reason why, in the US, the number one cause of divorce is because of money...

OK :)

I suppose you talk about developed countries, because I have no statistics, but isn't much less than 50 % divorses in poor countries?

(=The poor can't afford to divorse. I mean if they are responcible and donät just leave wife and children and don't send any money.)

But concerning developed countries I believe the most percent happy are us, who has enough to a OK life and a bit more,

because I believe a much biger part of us don't bother to much about money as many rich do...

Don't know how it is in your countries, but here it's a rather big part of rich youngsters using drugs, I believe much biger part than in the "Enough" group, at least the rich ones are seen more. Not odd, because many rich kids get much things, but little/no good attention from parents.

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Jack Peterson
Don't know how it is in your countries, but here it's a rather big part of rich youngsters using drugs,

In the main Thomas i can agree with you. considering this is a totally No divorce country, people just move on and start a new family at will, with no control the families of this situation will just get deeper and deeper in debt, I bet if there were statistics on divorce motivation, in the World Money will no doubt be the No 1 Factor. However, you are right, the Poor just can't afford to Annul ( for us foreigners Divorce) Talking to a priest 2 weeks ago, he was telling me marriage is on a big decline in the PI. He was actually Surprised, I was married to Azon

As to the drug thing. We have a BIG problem her, this I believe is due to, as you say, no parental Affection or Guidance but then, with the way families split here and no Control over maintenance, Kids of all types take the easy way out. ( some still think drugs, are the answer, as Alcoholics think a drink, will cure all.) Users always seem to find the price of their next fix, Money don't seem to matter. lets live for today. Sod tomorrow. This is where the rot Starts not just here in the PI But everywhere. Not just Rich Kids

I believe, I have said this before, I still believe it. " My True definition of Wealth, is a happy and contented Wife and Family" money can't buy true happiness no amount of money, will stop the Rot, best we stop the rot from getting in.

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I asked my g f this question and she replied health ,I was expecting her to say having money for some reason.I must agree with her as there is no point having money if your health does,nt allow you to do the normal things in life .I believe having someone to share your life is very important too .As an example in my experience I was single for 3 years after a 15 year relationship where i was the main breadwinner etc .now being single I suddenly found myself with money in the bank but was I happy ? no I was not because working everyday and coming home to an empty house was not very nice.I suddenly found my role as a provider gone ,nobody to talk to ,nobody to help me if I felt down just nothing .so in my case money did not make me happy having somebody to share your life even if your broke is far more important .my g f constantly tells me even if your broke I will love and take of you until you die ,because she say,s I have brought happiness into her life so that makes me feel happy and content she,s a real gem of a lady .

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my g f constantly tells me even if your broke I will love and take of you until you die ,because she say,s I have brought happiness into her life so that makes me feel happy and content she,s a real gem of a lady .

I agree with whole your post. One warning though - although I DON'T believe your woman lie - Some scammers say such things too :)

=Scammers says what they believe we want to hear. Compare: Many women has been fooled to agree to sex by men saying "I love you", because very few men say it EARLY in a relation and mean it. So I teach my women friends to be extra careful if some man says so early. If they REALY mean it, they are prepared to wait :)

Some similar with money scammers. But if not giving them any money in long enough time, then they normaly give up and try someone they can fool fast...

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