Whats The Worst That Could Happen

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Dave Hounddriver

Our baby is due to be born in November. I pay medical expenses as I go, no insurance and no heap of emergency cash. I used to have a credit card for emergencies but for some reason the local card company cancelled my card. None of the usual reasons apply and when I ask they respond that they will forward my request to the responsible person for that area. (More fun here).

But back to the baby. I had asked around about complications and what to expect for expenses and the worst case scenario that anyone else had encountered was a caesarian section at 30,000 pesos. So I put that money aside. Yesterday, the talk in the coffee shop was of some foreigner in the local hospital, whose wife is having a baby and there are complications. Their bill so far exceeds 100,000 pesos. No one in the coffe shop knew details but the general consensus was that the doctor is ripping him off.

So what happens. I don't have a spare 100,000. If I borrowed it and then there were more 'complications' there would come a point where I have no more ability to beg or borrow so at what point does a person say: You keep the kid as collateral because I cannot afford to be gouged any more.

As you can see I am just venting a bit but it is frustrating when you have no control of your budget where medical is concerned. For me, I can live cheap enough and go back to Canada for free medical if needed. But tell me again how we can live on $800 a month with a wife and kid? Hmmmm. I did not plan to have either of these 5 years ago but somehow they just happened.

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Our baby is due to be born in November. I pay medical expenses as I go, no insurance and no heap of emergency cash. I used to have a credit card for emergencies but for some reason the local card company cancelled my card. None of the usual reasons apply and when I ask they respond that they will forward my request to the responsible person for that area. (More fun here). But back to the baby. I had asked around about complications and what to expect for expenses and the worst case scenario that anyone else had encountered was a caesarian section at 30,000 pesos. So I put that money aside. Yesterday, the talk in the coffee shop was of some foreigner in the local hospital, whose wife is having a baby and there are complications. Their bill so far exceeds 100,000 pesos. No one in the coffe shop knew details but the general consensus was that the doctor is ripping him off.

Dave, I will share my recent experience with this, including all the costs, in a PM to you. As for the local "consensus" the doctor was ripping him off - when the same doctor who has been providing prenatal care all along tells you the baby is in distress and it is medically necessary to do a c section, who is going to argue? Who is prepared to live with the consequences of saying NO? That would be you, not the local expat experts. I think your comment."No one in the coffe shop knew details but the general consensus was the doctor was ripping him off" speaks volumes. "What's the worse thing that could happen"? Has nothing to do with money.

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what amazes me nowadays, is the lot of song and dance on childbirth. yes, it could be dangerous but it is also a natural progression of things. As long as the woman is healthy and strong - i think everything is alright. On my time, homebirth with just the midwife in attendance was common. now - its so quick to suggest a C section. saying that, i wouldnt fancy a home birth and without the gas mask.

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Bil Brock

Forget about the scare stories if the pregnancy seems normal. My wife had 2 kids & it was so fast (each one ) , more like having kittens. No C-section no pain killers, just kids..lol. She had them so fast there was no time to set up for an epidurial or anything. Just take things as they come, not everyone here is out to rip you off.

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Dave Hounddriver

Thanks Bil.

Its getting close to the delivery time and I have been listening to tales of expensive procedures. Just a few minutes ago my wife was telling me one of the local gossip stories about some couple who were told to get a C Section and did not get it and then sold land to finally get it done and the baby was stillborn anyway. As I said, one of the local stories that makes the rounds, true or not it gets people in a fearful mood and there are a LOT of C Sections done here. One has to wonder if they are really necessary but we are taught to trust the doc. I do think my wife has a good one as far as provincial OBGYNs go. She has delivered a lot of babies in the area and many were normal births.

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I hope your wife and baby (and you!) pull through ok. I'm thinking of getting PhilHealth -- 200 ps/mo/person.

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I always tell everyone get Philhealth. I dont know about a foreigners wife having a c section, My wife both of her sister-in-laws had c sections under Philhealth the total cost was P5,000 but this was a few years ago. My brother in laws son had the Dengue a few months ago he was in Davao Hospital for 6 days, no charge but they are Philippino citizens, i have Philhealth but have never had to use it.

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I did,nt plan to have either it just happened lol I like that well davy boy now that it has happened you just gotta adjust pronto lol.IF living on 800 bucks a month was heard its gonna be a whole lot harder now .well hope all goes well with the birth forget about the money side for now just concentrate on the safe arrival of davy jr

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Are Filipin hospitals traditional telling the father to stay outside, or being involved in the birth?

Perhaps less risk of rip off if the doctor don't see the father before it's done? :)

"5000p." Total or for the c section? I guess after c sections the mother can need to stay some longer in the hospital.

Philhealth as said.

I suppose kano-filipina babies are biger in average than filipino-filipina ones, because we kanos are biger. If so it isn't odd if more c sections are needed more often when the father is kano.

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If you're worried about not having the money to pay the bills, make sure your wife stays in the maternity ward, not a semi-private or private room. the hospital can't hold you, your wife, or your child hostage for the bill if you are in the ward. They can do it if you are in a private room.

Better yet, skip the hospital and go with a mid-wife.

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