Less Crime In Manila

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Bob, the problem is that law enforcement in the Philippines are underpaid. They need better salaries so they are morivated to do their jobs.

Well. I understand if police don't do proper jobs, when it's risking their life or being injuried having bad social security system to cover such,

BUT I find it remarkable when Filipins, who HAVE JOBS, don't try to work good, because MANY Filipins are out of jobs, WANTING their jobs...  That goes e g for lazy mall sellers too.


I don't know what job contracts policemen have, but concerning private sector jobs contracts, many employers systematicly FIRE workers UNDEPENDING of how they work !!! to pay less employer's fees  (stupid law rewarding the employer's who MISbehave !!!) :1 (103): so not odd if SUCH workers don't bother to work any good...

If you increased the pay 50% for the PNP my opinion is that it would have no direct impact on work ethic!
Yes, many high paid cheat too - e g politicians everywhere...  :mocking:


Not odd if even workers with GOOD moral, give up trying if they have bad bosses making good work wasted...

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