First Move To The Philippines

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robert k

Jpbago, a little harsh but fair, I think. If Mike does that where he settles or frequents, it's going to become an entitlement and if it is not forthcoming, hate might ensue. Always have a reason for giving someone money and make sure they know it. Even that does not work all the time, I gave someone a gift in cash and told them it was a gift, one time and never again, two weeks later they were back and i got tired of hearing about their problems and saying no so I never answer them anymore. Money can be very toxic to a friendship.

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Jack Peterson

gave someone a gift in cash and told them it was a gift, one time and never again, two weeks later they were back and i got tired of hearing about their problems and saying no so I never answer them anymore. Money can be very toxic to a friendship.



Apparently William Shakespeare Penned it but My Grand Mother always used Quote it a lot. To those that could not , would not or did not repay on time.


Neither a borrower nor a lender be;

For loan oft loses both itself and friend,

And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

This above all: to thine own self be true,

And it must follow, as the night the day,

Thou canst not then be false to any man.

Some people may say that this is the advice of a fool. But it certainly sounds nice, doesn't it?


but as we say, each to our own.


JP :tiphat: 

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Jpbago, a little harsh but fair, I think. If Mike does that where he settles or frequents, it's going to become an entitlement and if it is not forthcoming, hate might ensue. Always have a reason for giving someone money and make sure they know it. Even that does not work all the time, I gave someone a gift in cash and told them it was a gift, one time and never again, two weeks later they were back and i got tired of hearing about their problems and saying no so I never answer them anymore. Money can be very toxic to a friendship.


Someone here mentioned to give your barangay captain and the police chief a gift of some sort but I have been told NO for the reasons Robert gives. They will constantly ask for more and then when you stop giving.....who knows.

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