What Have You Noticed

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For there few who live full time over in the Phils what have you notice that has changed for the better of for the worst,

Some of you have been there for years so has it got better or worst for you

It is still the place that you want to call home or would you say to others who are thinking of coming , just be careful

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For there few who live full time over in the Phils what have you notice that has changed for the better of for the worst,

Some of you have been there for years so has it got better or worst for you

It is still the place that you want to call home or would you say to others who are thinking of coming , just be careful


I think the longer you stay the more you would like to be away from the Metro area, and in my case I think if I had stayed in Manila,

I feel my enjoyment would be less.


I may have enjoyed single life to an extent , but I still like having a partner to talk to, for companionship, a closer relationship than

a girl friend.


I like the food, after some period of adjustment. Eventually I think you can establish a more healthy diet here, although it

also depends on where you live. Better if there's less fast food joints available, with our ex pat money and the Filipino love

of treats and outings, food joints are too easy to access, better to be far away.


To others? There's a long period of adjustment here, maybe 2 ears or more. The more money you spend in the beginning does not equate

to always having a good time. Life gests better one you have sorted out a budget and you can stick to it.


So is it good? Yes, still good, but there's a syndrome with it. If you think the grass is greener on the other side, you will never be happy anywhere.

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For better or for worse?  Maybe both. Davao is growing. The main streets are being widened. Malls are expanding. New apartment buildings and condos  being built.  A lot of construction going on. 

There is more crime now than when I first arrived almost 5 years ago. Shootings, robberies, drug use, and home burgurlaries. More pollution from jeepneeys large trucks belching toxic carbon monoxide along the streets. 

I've adjusted and I can tolerate most of it. Still, I enjoy my trips back to my home in the states.  I go back once and sometimes twice a year. My wife tells me to invite any friends or relatives to our home but I know they will not come. 

I will start my wife's spousal visa later this year. She wants to visit but not stay there, yet. 

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What has got worse over the years is overcrowding of the streets with vehicles (motorcycles and 4 wheeled). Unlike Davao, most places are not widening the roads and what was 2 lanes on side streets are turning into one as vehicles parked in it quickly choke them. Not too mention the people encroaching on the streets for sari sari stores etc...

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Posted (edited)

I am not a permanent resident but will be in a couple of years when my gf wants to stop teaching. On a

recent 3 week visit looking at prospective retirement locations (which we did not find) in Nth Luzon, I

would say that traffic congestion and overcrowding at the two main issues. From my readings on this and

other forums, I would say that is the primary problem now presenting itself.

Edited by mogo51
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I am not a permanent resident but will be in a couple of years when my gf wants to stop teaching. On a

recent 3 week visit looking at prospective retirement locations (which we did not find) in Nth Luzon, I

would say that traffic congestion and overcrowding at the two main issues. From my readings on this and

other forums, I would say that is the primary problem now presenting itself.

Yes. At SAME size of land the Philippines have ten times more people than Sweden. Only Metro Manila have more people than WHOLE Sweden. So we Swedes are some spolied with space.

BUT there are still uncrowded places in Phils too. E g in Caraga there is first a very bad mud road and then 2 hours walking/riding to get to a hut up in the mountains.   I want to live as that but with a good road* and with access to phone and internet   :mocking:


*A concrete baranggay road with few people passing and no people LIVING where I connect to it. Then an ok road at "my" land 300 meters or so, building at the most AWAY part from the public road.  With some luck   :)   I believe it's possible to find such with all wanted, although big risk the Internet is slow.  (E g there are such places in Bohol mountains, but it took 8 MINUTES to load ONE website  :boohoo:  :lol:  last I checked, but it's improving  :thumbsup:

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Tukaram (Tim)

I've only been here 2.5 years... so not a long time.


I have seen our city grow a fair amount so the good is that we have more restaurant options, and foreign food is more readily stocked at the grocers.  The bad is the traffic has gotten horrid.  I guess they should not have built the city on  a small peninsula - nowhere to expand (Iloilo)


Overall, like nationwide, nothing really changes.  And for an expat on a limited budget, that is a good thing.  :tiphat:

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Posted (edited)

I am not a permanent resident but will be in a couple of years when my gf wants to stop teaching. On a

recent 3 week visit looking at prospective retirement locations (which we did not find) in Nth Luzon, I

would say that traffic congestion and overcrowding at the two main issues. From my readings on this and

other forums, I would say that is the primary problem now presenting itself.


Yes mate, as you have personally noted the further you go out, the less the facilities, yet the closer to Metro Manila, the worse the overcrowding, the pollution.


That leaves the entire south with exception of Cebu City, which has already been reported as polluted and over crowded.


I continue to believe there are such places where you find facilities and a decent ex pat population. Mogo, that might be the difference between you and 5-10 year resident. Most of us have moved on to a point where we don't need ex pat company, whereas you have not served your time yet.


On the other hand mate this country does have endemic problems with crime, corruption and over population and who knows where that will be in 5 years. And that will be under a new president, another unknown factor.

Edited by chris49
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