So Gullible

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I am not saying Ems is greedy , and wanting things for free, its how they try and say it will do this and do that and make you feel ,

My beautiful Ems is like many of our wives , inside and outside beauty just shines , she has a few marks on her face and a spot here and there , but they come and go ,

I can remember when we first meet, this so called soap whitener she was buying, makes your skin go white Steve , so does talc and its cheaper , 

But when someone out there says use this and it will get rid of your spots and marks  and its a free trail , well i cant blame her really,


I have calmed down now and its another day, last night i went to bed hungry and no fun, thats what you get when you open your mouth before engaging your brain first

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aah the skin whitening soap thingy !

I think my wife and her sister have tried every single one of the magic soaps and creams !

funny thing is though it works on my skin and not theirs :hystery:

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funny thing is though it works on my skin and not theirs




Your pale already , so how can you tell

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El Negrito

I am not saying Ems is greedy , and wanting things for free, its how they try and say it will do this and do that and make you feel ,

My beautiful Ems is like many of our wives , inside and outside beauty just shines , she has a few marks on her face and a spot here and there , but they come and go ,

I can remember when we first meet, this so called soap whitener she was buying, makes your skin go white Steve , so does talc and its cheaper , 

But when someone out there says use this and it will get rid of your spots and marks  and its a free trail , well i cant blame her really,


I have calmed down now and its another day, last night i went to bed hungry and no fun, thats what you get when you open your mouth before engaging your brain first


Very sorry Steve. Perhaps what I wrote wasn't too clear. I in no way was trying to imply that your wife was greedy. I was speaking about the world in general that has a greedy nature and the fact that even though there are good people like  you and your wife you weren't just born that way. You worked hard and probably had good support and teachers in your families and friends to teach you not to be greedy.


You work hard at being good people but there is always our base reflexes as humans that these companies try to appeal to. Perhaps the word "greed" isn't even what I am looking for but there is a part of us that wants more, many of us learn to be satisfied with less because there are more valuable things in life like the loving relationship you and your wife share. However sometimes these companies flash something so appealing and "free" that it's hard to resist and that is just in our nature. Please someone help me find a better word than "greed" for that type of nature in us.


Anyway Steve, I am no one to accuse others of anything, I am the worst for making these types of mistakes. No offense intended and I am glad you are able to put the incident behind you as far as what happened to your wife. Even as far as these companies go there are far worse people. For example my friends left their car unlocked while going into a convenience store and someone took both thier bags, one of which included an iPad. I mean yes, they should have been more careful, but what makes a person think "Hey that's not mine but I'll take it anyway."?


My dad's wife had her credit card cloned just recently and they charged $771 in New York and she lives in Mexico!!! I mean what the what?! Now those are some seriously bad people!

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Op, my wife is the same way. If we walk by any store and there is a sale of any kind she is all in, "Look, a sale".. And oh yes, the whitening stuff is hilarious.

The USA is full of people deliberately risking skin cancer to get darker and here everyone wants to be white.

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El Negrito

Op, my wife is the same way. If we walk by any store and there is a sale of any kind she is all in, "Look, a sale".. And oh yes, the whitening stuff is hilarious.

The USA is full of people deliberately risking skin cancer to get darker and here everyone wants to be white.


I sort of understand but not really. When I was a kid I grew up where there were not many black kids. I wanted to be white so bad, then I hit high school and everyone thought I was the bomb for being black and I loved it. I love being black now but I think I would love being any color as long as I am me.

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My g/f enters every contest she sees. I look at it as some people clip coupons she enters contests. She does not win often but when she does she is on cloud nine. I do not believe any of the contest have cost us more than her time, if it has it is not much and would be cheap entertainment for her. The whitening soap drives me crazy. the g/f very seldom goes out without putting on some type of white paste on her face. She figure that if she could only live in "cold" Canada her skin would magically change color.

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Very sorry Steve. Perhaps what I wrote wasn't too clear. I in no way was trying to imply that your wife was greedy.


I never even thought you was El Ne, there is no need to say sorry

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Kuya John

Oh I thought I was the only one whose wife fell for these ploys

Strange thing is, it is fellow filipinos selling it!

Now I just say there is no such thing as a free lunch!

Especially when they are trying to sell you $5000 worth of pans!!

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Oh I thought I was the only one whose wife fell for these ploys

Strange thing is, it is fellow filipinos selling it!

Now I just say there is no such thing as a free lunch!

Especially when they are trying to sell you $5000 worth of pans!!

Its how they all smile and say all the right things until you walk in and say NO, NOT A CHANCE

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