Discrimination in the Philippines

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2 hours ago, Dave Hounddriver said:

In the Philippines, McDonalds has a policy of giving a discount to senior citizens, however there are at least some outlets who discriminate against senior citizens from other countries (Not Filipinos).  Why do you allow discrimination like this?  Here is a link to my post on an expat forum where this is being discussed.

You will see there is a video where one of McDonalds managers says that seniors from other countries are 'taking advantage' of McDonalds generosity.  Your response to our discussion would be appreciated

Starting a new topic on Senior Citizens Discounts

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robert k
4 hours ago, Hey Steve said:

When it comes to small ticket items such as senior discounts (or lack of..) or a small purchase at the market-really now.. how tight can one's budget be not to pay the skin tax?? Large ticket exchanges like cars, rental agreement or appliances, I think one needs to be invisible if possible-but in this case-no need to be outwardly vocal about it and make a spectacle of yourself. Personally I would have taken the role of Bud Brown here (taking the video

I really have to disagree with Bud Brown in this video. I think Bud was right to ask the man if this was the battle he wanted to pick but when the man said it wasn't the money but the principle, I would have let him go ahead. I am not the one to judge somebody else's principles.

I'm only 50 so I don't get a discount at McDo. It may be McDo corporate policy in the US to give a discount to seniors but we aren't talking about the US and it certainly is NOT law in the US. In the Philippines, there is a law that their senior citizens get a discount.

Plainly the man complaining thinks he is not receiving the respect he is due. Who does when dealing with a franchise of a multi-billion dollar corporation? In the US, I think McDo gives a discount because it's good PR as there is no law. If there were NOT a law in the Philippines that says they have to, I'm not entirely certain that Philippine citizens would get the senior discount at any given McDo franchise, some might and others might not.

In Bud's place I would have just made it known that I disagree with the other man when I got my turn at  the counter. It was an A and B conversation and I would C my way out of it.

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