A New Tenant Arrives At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

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Democrat or Republican, it doesn't matter who gets elected. They are stooges for the Illuminati in the Council on Foreign Relations. David Rockefeller, George Soros, Maurice Strong and the rest of the global elite are the ones pulling the strings of their political puppets. Their goal is a one world government. But first they must cause enough chaos to weaken the major nations into accepting a global government as the solution. Tighten your belts, it's going to get worse.http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/6485 http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/illuminati...yet8jun02.shtmlhttp://educate-yourself.org/nwo/illuminati...yet8jun02.shtmlhttp://educate-yourself.org/nwo/illuminati...yet8jun02.shtmlhttp://educate-yourself.org/nwo/illuminati...yet8jun02.shtml

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Posted (edited)
An Arabic-American as President is totally unacceptable thus he is "Black" and we can all feel good about it. Happy happy joy joy!
I personally did not find this comment to be a racial attack in any way. Old55, let me take a stab at the intended meaning.You're metaphorically saying that an Arabic President is unacceptable because of public sentiment over 9/11 therefore the media has labeled him as black so that we can rest easier.To me just an astute observation. Happy happy joy joy was a bit sarcastic, but not racist I think.Is that close?Regarding the inauguration, I think it would have been a grand gesture setting the tone for the future if the inauguration were simply a swearing in ceremony and a parade versus the multiple days of partying and frivolous spending of money the nation does not have! My $.02 Edited by BobNChe
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Thank you Bob! I wish I could write so clearly and simply. If I had there would not have been this misunderstanding. Morey, I don

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An Arabic-American as President is totally unacceptable thus he is "Black" and we can all feel good about it. Happy happy joy joy!
Unacceptable for whom exactly? I suggest you get used to the fact that your President does indeed have Arab lineage and that you don't try to pass him off as simply "a Black American" which implies some latter-day Martin Luther King-type character.His lineage is a two-edged sword. There are two main groups who define American foreign policy: the rich oil barons (including Haliburton) and the equally rich (Jewish) bankers. If Obama is to survive his first term, he must reign-in the aspirations of both groups and be seen to be far more even handed with the Palestinians. If he fails to do this, Arab - and therefore Muslim - rage with America and her allies will only increase and Obama will be branded a traitor to his heritage. But if he succeeds he will be hailed a hero.Mark
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In the UK, on the day of the victory, the outgoing leaves number 10 and the new person moves in. No razamtaz, months of waiting etc. Just visit the Queen the next day and off you go with the job.Of course a coronation is a bit special but we only have one about every 50 years so not too bad.

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An Arabic-American as President is totally unacceptable thus he is "Black" and we can all feel good about it. Happy happy joy joy!
I personally did not find this comment to be a racial attack in any way. Old55, let me take a stab at the intended meaning.You're metaphorically saying that an Arabic President is unacceptable because of public sentiment over 9/11 therefore the media has labeled him as black so that we can rest easier.To me just an astute observation. Happy happy joy joy was a bit sarcastic, but not racist I think.Is that close?Regarding the inauguration, I think it would have been a grand gesture setting the tone for the future if the inauguration were simply a swearing in ceremony and a parade versus the multiple days of partying and frivolous spending of money the nation does not have! My $.02
I was looking at the same way as you, I didnt see any racist intent at all.
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Bush did a lot of things wrong and he probably had the wrong motive for attacking Iraq (his father), but when a man says he has weapons of mass destructions and that anyone who attacks his country will face the mother of all wars and the CIA and other countries intelligence tells Bush that Iraq did have those weapons, how can anyone blame Bush for thinking that they had those weapons. .......
The ONLY reason Bush Jr went to war in Iraq was an oil-grab and to put companies owned by his cronies into a position of being able to make even more huge amounts of money. Bush enrolled a very compliant Tony Blair as his ally-in-chief but did not award any contracts to British companies. The only way for Bush and Blair to sell the war was to fabricate stories about Hussain poised to attack Israel (which immediately put the neocon New York bankers on-side), his alleged associations with Al Qaeda, the so-called weapons of mass destruction and Sadam's record on human rights.History shows that America (and UK) made a monumental mistake in over-throwing Sadam who was actually a stabilising force in the region even if he was boastful and a bit of a liar. George Bush the Elder made the sensible decision by terminating Gulf War I, when its objective (the liberation of Kuwait) had been achieved and and leaving Sadam in power. Worse than the dodgy dossiers and failed military intelligence (now an oxymoron) which prompted Gulf War II, was the fact that Bush failed to plan for what would happen after the war - apart from securing the oil fields and the port at Basra. The result is the mess there and one that will last for many years to come.I don't think Bush's place in history is anything to be proud of. On his watch the American economy has become a basket-case and he is the man who gave the world "rendition" and Camp Delta - the very notion of which defies International Law.Mark
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Mike S

Many times people are all caught up in the hype and pomp and circumstance instead of focusing on the real issues of what is taking place or rather what will take place ...... now that all the hoop-la is done lets see what happens ..... way to early for people to be calling a victory ...... way to early ......

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