Interesting .... Could This Involve A Foreigner Married To A Pilipina

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IMHO this is insane.


Even tho this Bill has not even gone before Congress we are already victims of this.


In March of 2012 Rowena's parents along with 2 of her sisters and 1 of her brothers were making guitars at their home. 3 of her sisters were working at differant manufacturing plants in the Mactan area on 6 month contracts. Rowena was also working at a manufacturing plant in the same area as well.


Moma and Papa are in their early 50's. Childrens ages range from 10 to 30. 2 of her sisters have children but no husbands. One has 3 the other has 1 child. There are no husbands, as I have found out, due to Papa and Mama demanding large payments from the families of the would be husbands.  All are living in the same house owned by her papa. They own the house and owe no money on the house. Monthly income for the family was around 50,000 to 60,000 a month.


Papa and 3 sisters along with the 4 grandchildren were covered by Phil Health.


In March Rowena and I did the traditional ( for some areas ) thing by bringing food and small gifts for her Moma and Papa and asking for me to marry their daughter. They said yes and never mentioned any payment at that time.


In April we began reciving threatening text messages and phone calls from Rowena's Moma and sisters. Demanding support and to move in with us or they would go to agencies and have us both arrested stating it is the law here.


Apperantly from what we later discoved her aunt had been to see the local fixer about getting her daughter a OFW Visa to America to work as a Nurse. Having already done so with her son as a welder. While discussing the amount of bribes it would take to do so this time the subject came up about Rowena and I getting married. This is when the Fixer informed her Auntie that HB 2295 was the Law.


Auntie then told Papa, Mama, and sisters. All Immediatly quit their jobs. The youngest sister then went to Manila and applied to the University of the Philippines in order to attend college there as soon as payments are recieved from ME.


Rowena had to quit her job in order to take time off to travel to Leyte to get her birth certificate corrected. It took 4 trips and over 5 months to get the problem sorted out. Along with around 50,000 pesos. Mostly for travel expenses and misc. paperwork fees.


We had talked about and looked into all costs and materials needed for getting her Moma started with a sewing business which had apperantly been her moma's dream for some time.

We had also talked about and looked into renting a building for Papa to sell his guitars that were made at his home. As well as the cost of all materials to get him started.


How far did we get? We had purchased the sewing machine. We had already priced all the materials needed for both businesses. We had talked to the folks at city hall concerning the licenses and permits we had already found a shop and were just about to sign the lease agreement when all hell broke loose.


Now they do not want to work. They do not want to own their own business. They demand we pay. And move them in with us.


Like I said. IMHO this is insane.

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Dave Hounddriver

So happy I have a LiP who was an orphan.

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Mike S

If you want my opinion move as far away as possible and do not contact them with your new address ..... if the text's get to heated change you sim card and do call or text them ..... if you other half is not willing to do that then you have a choice to make ..... and it seems to me either choice will be equally hard ..... but then you could always make her go to work to support her family as YOU are not obligated to do so ...... there is no way I would be pressured into supporting anyone's family especially sense they quit working ..... in times of trouble or emergencies that is entirely different ..... you could also move your money to another country where they can't touch it and then just keep enough to barely get by on here each month ..... I personally would get just as far away from that bunch as I possibly could with or with out her or you will be paying for the rest of your life ...... IMHO ......  :cheersty: 

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What about forcing parents to take care of all the kids they make, that would be a good start. Maybe there is a law for that but its not enforced. Homeless and neglected kids are all over the Philippines begging for help. Why aren't their parents helping them? Kids are not even required to attend school, they are only required to register so the school can get money from the Government for each student if they attend school or not.

Not a bad idea but I would rather see a law that requires the church start supporting the kids they are telling every Filipino to have.

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Mike S

Just a question ...... what happens to those dead-beat parents that desert their kids or leave them to be raised by someone else ...... does anyone think they have the right to come back later and demand that these very same kids SUPPORT them ..... I sure hope they put that clause into the bill by refusing them that right ...... IMHO ..... :cheersty:

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lyno 47

No way should they be allowed to come back and sponge off the kids. just my opinion cheers

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So happy I have a LiP who was an orphan.

Orphans often have 15 sibling orphans from 15 men who all are waiting for the first one to snag a kano. It is the Filipino way.  Money from heaven.

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Posted (edited)

Here's the law as translated in Cajun talkin'....

I knew I saw this law somewhere before! Edited by Jollygoodfellow
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Mike S

The worse part of the bill says her relatives have a right to live with us if they don't have a home.


Hummmmmm ...... sorry I didn't actually read the law but I thought that ONLY the parents had the right to be taken care of ..... not all the other relatives ..... I'm not worried about my asawa's mother (her father is dead) and would have no problem at all in helping her or letting her live with us ..... but the rest of the family .... no way .... I can't really see a law being past that all relatives can just pop in and demand to be housed and fed ..... and if they are now living with the parents before you move the parents in ....... not your problem ..... remember these law makers and rich people have dead beat relatives also and they aren't going to support a law that will cause them grief ..... IMHO .....  :cheersty:  ...... unless like US law makers .... they make themselves exempt ....  :hystery:  :hystery: 

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