Odd Hygiene Habbits

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Wow! I think some posts are getting a little overboard on the washing of hands!

Most Filipinos wash their hands after using the CR - just as most other nationalities do. One or two bad apples do not make the whole nation dirty!


Are you sure?

I thought so too,

but I started wondering when several kanos complained about it.

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Most Filipinos wash their hands after using the CR - just as most other nationalities do. One or two bad apples do not make the whole nation dirty!


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What? We are suppose to wash our hands after using the CR! How come I never got the memo?

I am sure gentlemen, and a few ladies, that by now everyone is familiar with the water system instead of toilet paper. We should start a campaign to get more Filipinos to wash their hands with soap and water. So, who is going to lead the charge? We need a sacrificial lamb to answer all the hate mail the campaign will generate.

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I find these posts really odd, and not at all representative of Filipinos I know. There is a rather large Filipino community in Toronto, and their almost compulsive personal cleanliness is something that we, their Western partners tip our hats off to! Even my wife's cousin-in-law from Iowa claims that he learned a lot about fastidious personal hygiene from his Filipina wife.

My wife has once or twice mentioned that upon entering a public washroom, she washes her hands before doing her business. All others just proceed to the cubicle. To her, this is unthinkable. She won't even touch the washroom doors with bare hands!

And, needless to say, she certainly washes her hands after.

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We need a sacrificial lamb to answer all the hate mail the campaign will generate

I can be volontaire - BEFORE I have moved there :hystery:

I find these posts really odd, and not at all representative of Filipinos I know. There is a rather large Filipino community in Toronto, and their almost compulsive personal cleanliness is something that we, their Western partners tip our hats off to! Even my wife's cousin-in-law from Iowa claims that he learned a lot about fastidious personal hygiene from his Filipina wife.

Yes, as I wrote in my start post, I thought asians had superious hygiene, but I started wondering when several kanos complained about this (concerning gfs/wifes living in Phili.)

Perhaps it has to do with the access? =Some more complicated in Phili than in Canada.

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Yes, as I wrote in my start post, I thought asians had superious hygiene, but I started wondering when several kanos complained about this (concerning gfs/wifes living in Phili.) Perhaps it has to do with the access? =Some more complicated in Phili than in Canada.

I would like to think that that is the answer. But that is why my wife is always equipped with wetnaps and hand sanitizers...just in case. Admittedly, my wife is skittish about sharing washrooms. She had an ensuite bathroom in her family home, and it was her very own. However, I know that not every Filipina I've met had that luxury. Yet, they still maintain really high standards of personal hygiene, and carry the essentials in their purses. And, no, I am not just talking about Filipinas in Canada. It is just as true of my wife's family and friends in the Philippines.

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Tukaram (Tim)

A friend and his daughter were at my house a while back. The daughter, about 12, had to go to the restroom. She came out and whispered something to her dad, with a horrified look on her face. He told her to do as best as she can and shower when she gets home.... I had no idea what they were talking about. He explained - she was shocked we did not have a lota (water jug) by the toilet. And had no idea what to do with toilet paper! Poor kid ha ha. Remember the left hand cleans the body, the right hand feeds it!

But when traveling I keep some wetnaps with me just in case. And it is shocking how many people in the US I see not washing their hands after using the restroom.

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well being in canada its expected that hygene standards are very high .the o p has stated the facts are about the philippines ,Take the mountian regions for example where many people live .They don,t have the money to buy such luxuries as toilet paper air freshners hand lotions etc you cannot possibly compare philippinos living in canada or any other western country to that of many philippinos here .most people that are poor hardly have enough food to eat to worry about hygene etc .nobody here is saying philippinos are less hygenic than other nations but a lot of it is down to ecconomics and poverty .

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nobody here is saying philippinos are less hygenic than other nations but a lot of it is down to ecconomics and poverty .

Corect. I don't say that either.

What I found odd - if the kano sources with the not hand cleaning gfs/wifes are true :) - how come they shower at least as often, probably more often*, than average foreigners, but their gfs/wifes didn't clean their hands often enough.

*Several kanos have told about their gf's/wife's "obsession" with soaps "Smell this! Smell this!..."

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Dave Hounddriver
if the kano sources with the not hand cleaning gfs/wifes are true

I accompanied my wife to her doctor last year when she felt very sick with a stomach ache. Doctor asked her if there were times when she did not wash her hands thoroughly after using toilet, touching dogs, cleaning, handling old food. Wife admitted that there were times. Doc said that quite a lot of filipinas get sick that way when they touch fresh food or eat with their hands when the hands are not properly cleaned. Medicine was prescribed. Wife got better. Its all good. But I learned that people who eat with the same hands they clean their bum with are more susceptible to germs than us toilet paper and knife and fork types.

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