Main Differences Between Filipinas And Western Women?

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Dave Hounddriver
'we' have a habit of reacting to the death of a foreigner, in his house, when the wife is not there for some reason.


I am always mildly disturbed when seeing so many older expats with young wives who follow their husbands everywhere and never seem to let them out of their sight, for 'security'.  Thus I do have a habit of being suspicious when those same wives are conspicuously absent when hubby dies a mysterious death.  Of course that suspicion is fed when the widows tell their close family members how it was done and those family members gossip to neighbors who tell my wife who tells me.

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And if I will have some doubt left when I want to retire, I will try to keep me more worth alive than dead by keeping control over my business keeping some "business secrets" knowledge for myself, but put instructions in a bank security box, so she don't either know they excist or find them before I have died, so she don't get unnecesary economical problems if a die - a natural death


Very wise advice! :thumbsup:



Hummmmmm ..... well I guess that means that according to the thought pattern here that we will all be beheaded for our wealth or we should always be looking over our shoulder .... me ... I would rather sit outside in my law chair and wait for lightning to strike me .... it will happen a lot sooner than my asawa putting me down .... she has had excess to all our accounts and safety deposit box form day one and I think I'm still alive ..... wait ... let me pinch myself to see ..... (pinch) ... yup still here


Thomas as to your safety deposit box I'm not real sure about Phil laws on them but if your future asawa has no excess to them if you should have a heart attack or stroke she will not have any means to access the contents and when the lease on the box runs out (normally 2 years) the contents will probably go to the Phil government but I'm sure they will appreciate your contribution ..... JMHO


Well. I don't like to be suspicious against wife and her relatives, but I would like less to be scammed  :hystery:

so I thought making some safety preparings and then just relax.

It will be impossible to avoid noticing how they will act during the years, so when I will be ready to retire, I will know if I will keep some business secrets.   


Oh I thought all my belongings would go to my inheritors when I die (perhaps by a power of attorney document, or what's it called, to the bank security box). It will be just instructions in it, so nothing worth for the RP government   :lol:    so perhaps they will give them to my widdow anyway  - if she live longer than I   :mocking:    (My grandfather was rather much older than my grandmother, but he became 95 and lived 12 years AFTER grandma died, although she had wondered what she would do after grandpa die...)

Perhaps I better just put the instructions in an envelope among all my other boring business papers, hoping they don't throw them away by misstake when I die. But perhaps they behave so trustworthy during the years before I retire, so it's solved without keeping any economical secrets. I will be worth some economical for them alive anyway by my retirement pay, plus then I expect to have some children, and I hope they will watch my back if needed  :) 

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Medic Mike



I am glad that I decided to stay in the Philippines, as I believe I like Ellie the way she is and I would not want to take the chance that she might change in some way, just because she has become more "westernized"?
Yes. I think the same, and don't even want my presumtive wife to visit Sweden EVER,

but perhaps I will not manage to avoid she will travell and meet my family once, but I try to delay it until not yet born kids become at least 4 years old  :lol:


Thomas! For such a smart guy, you are not paying attention to the Pinay Plan in Marrying A Foreigner (hardback edition).


You understand the meaning of BC and AD? Well the Pinay Marriage Plan book clearly states BM and AM plans (before and after marriage) pre marriage plans, during the marriage plans and then long range plans after the foreigner husband dies. Now there are variables as some husbands are nice enough to die on que and some others can't take a hint and need a bit of coaching. :th_unfair:


So, during the marriage, you will be signing papers and filling out forms to get your as yet to be named bride Swedish citizenship. Now, Thomas, I am already ahead of you in thinking you will reply with a detail discourse on why you will not allow that. But in reality, once you have spawned, you will make the adjustments necessary and start the application process for your kids and their mother.


So she may not travel to much to Sweden whilst you are alive, but one you are gone, then that is another matter. But what do you care, you will be dead, right!   :thumbsup:


One thing about the Pinay... they are patient women..... They have time... lots of time. :hystery:


classic! :lol:

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classic! :lol:
Yes. But it's more modern with scamming several at the same time, quick fix  :)

Even organiced scam crime groups, as Papa Carl told about in Manila, and it is/was one a year ago in Cebu too.

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Mike S
I hear what you say. However on this forum, 'we' have a habit of reacting to the death of a foreigner, in his house, when the wife is not there for some reason... Well we naturally assume that the wife or her family paid or requested for the nasty end to the foreigner. And there will multiple posts expressing some for or another about that theory.


Yes Bruce it is terrible when these events occur ..... however when you take into account how many foreigners are married or in a long term relationship with Filipinas compared to how many have been actually been put down by either them or family members I think the ratio would be very very small in comparison .... I'm sure less than 1% (JMHO) .... most guys that get bumped off here is due to their own stupidity and can't seem to either keep their big mouths shut .... pis*ing someone off OR buy not treating other people they way they want to be treated (unless of course they are masochists then all bets are off .... :hystery: ) 


Anyway if someone is going to be constantly worried and looking for signs that they are about be be assassinated by their mate I don't think the relationship will be very healthy to say the least .... and all the more reason to choose carefully your future asawa or mate ..... :thumbsup:


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Generally speaking, I am interested to hear from people with broad experiences (not 2 months) especially in regards to long term relationships (not interested in one night stands or casual things) and just local women in general.


What did stand out as soon as you landed in the Philippines?


Thank you

The woman are the stand out in the Philippines.  Wallaby, you can find some good advise on this forum. But it's only you being a judge of yourself.

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The main difference I've noted... is that Filipina women are Very attached to their families.  If you marry one, you will be helping out the family when needed, or you will have a very unhappy wife. Mine... has gone to work , to do so.. and I have no problem with it, at all. 

American women... care more about your status and looks, then a Filipina women (generally speaking). I find a Filipina... much easier to keep happy. This opinion... is from 11 years of marraige, and a past, of dating both.

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Generally speaking, I am interested to hear from people with broad experiences (not 2 months) especially in regards to long term relationships (not interested in one night stands or casual things) and just local women in general.


What did stand out as soon as you landed in the Philippines?


Thank you


For me it was her stunning beauty. She was more beautiful and attractive than I had imagined (lucky me...)


Besides that, the most important difference between my filipina (now wife) and western woman, is that my wife was (and still is) much more caring towards me than my western ex'es.  I mean caring like wiping off sweat of my forehead and shoulders, packing and preparing my clothes every day, serving me on the plate, giving me bath and washing me. And always asking of my well being.  She almost wanted feed me like a little child. I was baffled of all this, and a little bit embarrased and tired of it in the beginning. It felt like she was my personal slave. But later when I learned more about filippino culture and how traditional filipina are brought up, I accepted it, and now I love it :-) It is a way for her to show her love and devotion to me.


But all this don't mean that I find western woman not loving.or cariing, they are just loving and caring in a different way.

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Generally speaking, I am interested to hear from people with broad experiences (not 2 months) especially in regards to long term relationships (not interested in one night stands or casual things) and just local women in general.


What did stand out as soon as you landed in the Philippines?


Thank you


For me it was her stunning beauty. She was more beautiful and attractive than I had imagined (lucky me...)


Besides that, the most important difference between my filipina (now wife) and western woman, is that my wife was (and still is) much more caring towards me than my western ex'es.  I mean caring like wiping off sweat of my forehead and shoulders, packing and preparing my clothes every day, serving me on the plate, giving me bath and washing me. And always asking of my well being.  She almost wanted feed me like a little child. I was baffled of all this, and a little bit embarrased and tired of it in the beginning. It felt like she was my personal slave. But later when I learned more about filippino culture and how traditional filipina are brought up, I accepted it, and now I love it :-) It is a way for her to show her love and devotion to me.


But all this don't mean that I find western woman not loving.or cariing, they are just loving and caring in a different way.



And this is why I am a cat person and not a dog person. I DO NOT want a dog or a woman under my feet or in my way. Damn annoying! This is one reason I am ahead of the game. I am a complete person WITHOUT a soul mate. When I see a grown man with a grown woman hanging on him like a 14 yr old, I am reminded of how important person freedoms are and how my cats respect that! :541:


I can chew my own food, thank you very much. :tiphat: Why one of my first memories was as a baby smacking my mother and telling her to stop shoving that thing at my mouth, put your shirt on and get me a burger!


True story.... Just yesterday I and another store owner were standing outside after getting our mail.  Up walked another store owner, Sabi who is an Israeli and in his late 70's. He is a custom jewelry maker. As he walked up, my friend said to him 'When are you going to retire?' Before Sabi could answer, I said he can't retire because his wife is still alive and if he retired he would be stuck in the house all day with her.


Sabi raised up his finger and said to me... 'You have no idea how accurate you are.... Staying home with her and I would be dead in 6 months.  I have been working since I was 11. Why stop now?' as he walked off to get his mail.

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And this is why I am a cat person and not a dog person. I DO NOT want a dog or a woman under my feet or in my way. Damn annoying! This is one reason I am ahead of the game. I am a complete person WITHOUT a soul mate. When I see a grown man with a grown woman hanging on him like a 14 yr old, I am reminded of how important person freedoms are and how my cats respect that! :541:


I can chew my own food, thank you very much. :tiphat: Why one of my first memories was as a baby smacking my mother and telling her to stop shoving that thing at my mouth, put your shirt on and get me a burger!


True story.... Just yesterday I and another store owner were standing outside after getting our mail.  Up walked another store owner, Sabi who is an Israeli and in his late 70's. He is a custom jewelry maker. As he walked up, my friend said to him 'When are you going to retire?' Before Sabi could answer, I said he can't retire because his wife is still alive and if he retired he would be stuck in the house all day with her.


Sabi raised up his finger and said to me... 'You have no idea how accurate you are.... Staying home with her and I would be dead in 6 months.  I have been working since I was 11. Why stop now?' as he walked off to get his mail.



Hehe.. many thanks for your interesting and witty post, Bruce :tiphat:


Well, what can i say? People are different and have different needs. Some like dogs, some like cats, some like both, some dont like pets at all...

Despite my failings in the relational/marital "arena", - I myself have come to the conclusion that I need a partner in life, one to share; for better, for worse etc.


A philosopher (I think it was Soren Kierkegaard) have said: "-Marry or stay single, you will regret both". There is some truth in that, In my opinion. You can't get the best from both worlds, and none of the bad things.



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