Why Do Some Loud Mouth Aholes Have To Act That Way

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The way I look at it, do I want to be angry all day everyday. Weather it be in the RP or here in the US I can find reason to be upset all day everyday with people cutting me off in traffic, getting overcharged at the store, people being rude. I could spend the rest of my life being angry but what dose it get me? Life is how we perceive it, if all we see is crap, then life will in fact be crappie for us. Perhaps our neighbor is looking for the good things in life and ignores the annoyances that we all have to deal with, life will be a joy for him. Here we have two neighbors living in two worlds side by side, one world full of crap, the other world truly a joy. Which world do you want to live in, your choice? Doug

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I absolutely agree with Softail.In addition, there is a pragmatic aspect to all of this. How much time was taken up fighting this "large cart" issue. Would it have been quicker to just go to one of the small cart lanes? Stress kills, on a number of different dimensions, high blood pressure being only one. I try to save my high blood pressure for the truly important issues and not waste it on trivial problems. If I get all upset over something like the "large cart line," my blood pressure goes up and I have a stroke, that will be life changing (or ending). Otherwise, will it really make any difference tomorrow? Next week? Next year? There will always be people who seem to live their lives looking for a reason to pick a fight. I feel sorry for them ....then look for the nearest escape route.

Edited by RetiredNavyGuy
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Yes, Doug has expressed it well, "Life is how we perceive it, if all we see is crap, then life will in fact be crappie for us". "Here we have two neighbors living in two worlds side by side, one world "full of crap", the other "world truly a joy". Which world do you want to live in, your choice!!!!!! I diffinately choose a "world of joy"! IMHO if one is happy and content with their lives and where one lives, "joy" will follow suit, because it is an automatic behavioral change in peope who are happy and content and for those who aren't happy or content with their lives, there will always be crappie odstacles in their paths with all the loud mouth a--holes, but then again there will always be those kind of people around forever and they will be any where when one least expect it, because it's just in their nature of being an unhappy and malcontent individual of any adult age with stressful responsibilities in life!

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Posted (edited)

I once had an argument with a bunch of cockroaches living in my CRApologies if that was off topic, although true.....loud mouth assholes would be the ones who need anger management courses in the west, because trust me, living in the Philippines is NOT living in the west, customer service wise....you just need to learn to laugh about it and not scream at them. Once you scream, especially at a cashier because of a loaf of bread, you have lost...they won, time to take your ball and go home.

Edited by Kuya Lee
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how can anyone blame anybody for getting upset in the Philippines with all the frustrating things they throw at us all the time. even eating out will most times be an agravating experience. I never got mad or yelled like some of the aholes I saw because I yelled inside instead. I feel sorry for the help that has to deal with many foreigners but at the same time I can now understand their frustration because I am back in the civilized world now

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The only time I get annoyed is around Robinsons when the Viagra sellers harrass me. Initially I point to Joy and say.."This is my viagra!"....if they persist I give a pretty stern, "I SAID NO!"They get the message...

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I agree with you guys about being positive, patient, and giving manners a chance..... BUT NO ONE CAN DENY THE ZINGER STORY!!! If anyone experienced the Zinger in KFC, whether Philippines or Taiwan (same thing for me in both), you would go absolutely MENTAL, and you'd be right to do so. If anyone argues this Zinger thing, we're going to have to go round back and have a fistfight (kidding Bossman ;)For real, there's no excuse for saying five minutes, then 15 minutes later saying another five, and then ten minutes IN A KFC!!! We're not talking about a mom's and pop's store, or a poorly managed Boracay resort. WE'RE TALKING KFC!!! So who wants to dust it up? We'll need Bossman's approval, but if you mess with the Zinger, you get a Dinger. (half-kidding guys; I'm rather peaceful)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Davao City expats, the real old ones in their 60's, tall, skinny with longer gray hair that wears glasses! You know.....coffee drinkers in the PM. Any here? NEVER EVER tell any locals who ride BIG bikes in Davao City they are assholes. post-802-0-68129300-1312181492_thumb.jpg If you do, you could become yet another Lee obituary post....speaking of those posts, what the heck is happening to this site lately?...I need to take prozac and mutter a prayer to get through it. post-802-0-40855800-1312181656_thumb.jpg HIV, little girls dead, obituary posts non stop, can't ship anything anymore....can we TRY and get a few positive threads in here? American football is coming, the UFC has THREE cards this month....and Oprah is OFF the air. Life IS good! Now, let's put that in Filipino perspective .... how about some fun IN the Philippines? Do we have anybody LIVING here, that posts on this site that is actually having FUN? post-802-0-87473600-1312181734_thumb.jpg Well, on topic...I am sometimes AMAZED at the pompous expats who come here and feel they expect the culture of this country to change towards THEIR ways...aint going to happen. You don't like it here?...move. It's the Philippines, you have something that almost ALL filipino's do NOT have...the ability to move where you want to. Appreciate that, and get off your damn high horses. There sure is a LOT I do not like about this country, and none of it I am going to change...and if I want to complain, that is fine if you can still laugh about it as you beetch about it....but at the end of the day, I am the one still living here, so that sort of makes me look a bit foolish at times when I rant too hard and too long.

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  • 1 month later...

There are a lot of things thatl I now just speak/vote with my money. All the yapping about KFC....for me, it would happen twice...The first time, I hope is a one time incident, but afterthe 2nd time, I just would not go back. That is pretty much how I deal with aggervation anymore. It actually works pretty well. They don't have to deal with trying to please me and I can spend my money somewhere they are happy to please me. Makes three people happy. An example along the lines of the big cart/basket thing. There are a number of stores here in USA now that have self checkout which I refulse to use. I come up to register at one Big Box Store with maybe 10 items in cart. There is one open register out of 15. There is another 6 self check out isles open. No one is using them so there is about 6 people in front of me, and about 6 people behind me all in line for the one register. A manager walks by and I ask him to please up a couple more registers. He says to me there are the self checkout available. I looked at him and pointed at the line and said, "obviously none of us want to use the self check out." He said, well you will just have to wait in line. I said no I just have to go 2 blocks down the street and get my stuff. I left the cart where it was and have never been back to that store. Granted my loss to them is not that much, maybe $50 a month, but I don't have to deal with him or his store and have plenty of other places to shop for the same items at the same or better prices. No more aggervation. I now pretty much do that whereever I spend my money. Poor service just means I get to try new places. Now when I was in the RP, pretty much the same thing. I learned you cannot deal logically with illogical people. You cannot is a 2 minute conversation get them to change their thought pattern. So I just put my money back in my pocket and walk away. Granted, I learned to live without a lot of things because I would not go back to certain places, but then again when I was there, there weren't many places to purchase things outside the public market and a local hardware store. If it was something we really had to have, the wife would go get it without me. Fortunately for me I have learned to pretty much live like a hermit.

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Freaking out yelling at a cashier or any employee is beyond bad manners and shows contempt for your surroundings . Lifes much easier with a smile on your face and a little humor . People here remember you . even years later

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