Is the Philippines a Dangerous Place?

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8 hours ago, Jake said:

Excellent question!  OP, please provide documented proof where govt sanctioned marshall law is in effect other than in war zones and disputed territories.  

I was referring to war zones and disputed territories. 

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My mind is starting to click onto this dangerous perception. While danger does exist, it's also a state of mind.

I was told never to go to Quiapo, a place I have been perhaps up to 100 times. Pickpockets being one hazard, but I was pickpocketed in Jolibee, Vigan City. That won't stop me going to Jolibee and likewise I will still go to the bike shops and markets around Recto and Quiapo. Probably not at night, but I did have to get to Mercury once about 3 AM and I was assisted by a local.

Danger seems to be a perception, while the real danger is definitely out there, the perception sometimes grows bigger than the reality.

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14 hours ago, FortuneFavorsTheBold said:

Larry45 ~ Yes, you bring up some issues that people have no control over, and are not aware of. My partner was partners with FM before the CIA took him out of power. DU30 was just an unknown cabinet member at the time. This is why DU30 is so close to BongBong. Anyway, most people know that FM ran the Country under Martial Law. To try to be brief, Martial Law is being implemented in parts of the Country as we speak, and the history and people involved speak for themselves, so we will see where it goes. 

The point I am trying to make is that Larry45 indicated that he is not happy with the direction the Country is heading, and I'm pointing out that there are some things that we have no control over. A lot of good advice has been shared in this thread with respect to not being confrontational, not displaying wealth, etc., but there are some things that we have no control over, such as the wrong time and place, corrupt extorting cops, etc. I don't have a crystal ball, but media censorship, "exrtajudicial" killings, and other things remind of what FM did before he imposed Martial Law. Of course he said he did it for the good of the Country, which is debatable. Regardless, I hope that DU30 can do good things for the Country without going to extremes. He seems to be very effective with respect to dealing with the drug problem according to the news. I hope he can be just as effective with corruption, crime, and poverty.



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1 hour ago, FortuneFavorsTheBold said:

Larry45 indicated that he is not happy with the direction the Country is heading

He has never been happy there and he degrades the people but anyway now this topic has ran its course and now we're talking stuff that is is going back to politics and this subject has ran to long I'm closing it.


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